My collection of mini-projects in various languages
This repository consists of a number of small projects. Most of these "mini-projects" are single file scripts. Some are more complex, but they are still not big enough to warrant their own repository.
- Advent Of Code: A program to find leaderboard rank in Advent Of Code. Originally from u/Appare, in this post
- Maze Solver: A maze solver written in Python, which compares different maze solving algorithms
- NTSE Score Ranking: A program to find your ranking in NTSE given the scores
- PowerToys Run Search: A command line utility to search DuckDuckGo or any other search engine for a given query, which can be integrated with PowerToys Run
- Regex Longest Word: A program to find the longest word in a list, which can be displayed on a seven-segment display using regular expressions. Insipired by this Tom Scott video
- Snake: A snake game written in Python
- Wikipedia Philosophy: A program to that starts at a random Wikipedia article and then recursively clicks on the first link of the article to ultimately find the Philosophy article. Read more about it here
- CSV data plotter: A program to plot data from a CSV file
- Diff Checker: A program to check if two files are the same and output a diff if they are not
- Frog Jumping: A program to find the average number of jumps required to get across a pond
- Gun Treul Simulation: A program to solve a popular probability problem. Read more about it here
- HelloWorld: A program to print "Hello World"
- IEEE Round 1 Tasks: Solutions for the python tasks asked in the BITS Pilani IEEE club dev vertical round 1 selections
- ImageRotation: A program to rotate an image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees
- Line Intersections: A program to verify the solution for the last problem in the treasure hunt of the math association in 2023
- Marble Game: A program to simulate a popular marble game
- Password Generator: A program to generate a random password
- plot graph: A program to plot a graph of y = x2
- Prisoner Card Problem: A Monte Carlo simulation to find the optimal strategy for a game
- Pythagorean Tree: A program to draw a Pythagorean tree. Read more about it here
- Range Divisible by 3: A program to find all the numbers in a given range, which are divisible by 3
- Resign Bot: A chess bot that resigns upon starting the game. Written as an entry for this contest.
- Rock Paper Scissors: A program to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Score Modifier: A simple program to edit the values of a html table
- Serpinski Triangle 2: A program to draw a Serpinski Triangle. Read more about it here
- Serpinski Triangle: Another program to draw a Serpinski Triangle
- Song Grapher: A program to generate a graph of all words in a song. Inspired by this reddit post
- Sudoku: A program to solve a Sudoku puzzle
- TicTacToe: A program that allows users to play a game of TicTacToe against the computer or another user
- Tree: Another program to draw a Pythagorean tree
- UFDS Ranking: A program to find the total ranking in UFDS mocks
- Android apps: Some sample android apps
- Black Jack: An android app to play the popular card game Black Jack
- Court Counter: An android app to keep track of sports scores
- Happy Birthday, Android Studio: A simple app to wish someone on their birthday
- Just Java: A tutorial android app to order coffee
- My Application: My first android app
- Neurosky Test: An example app that makes use of the Neurosky EEG SDK for Android
- Demos Math Project: A program to display the current state of a tic-tac-toe game state in desmos using only mathematical expressions
- Dino Game: A simplified version of the Google Dinosaur game
- Game of Life: A program to simulate the Game of Life
- Prime Generator: A program to generate prime numbers under a given number