#note: the following code will work only on linux operating system (eg : rhel 8)
we are using python to automate docker , Hadoop , AWS, Linux.The real motive behind the project is to make it useful for those who might not be that into the respective technologies but will be able to perform all the basic functions.
- Usage
- Demo
- Installation
- Recommended configurations
- Custom configurations
- Uninstallation
- Contributing
- Future Scope
📌 Automates following tech-stacks: -
👉 Docker
👉 Hadoop
👉 Linux
📌 The first Screen.
👉 Here is a simple demo of the working model
📌 Option 7 helps in creating hadoop name node.
👉 Another Tech-Stack is Docker which is a containerization tool.
For more details 👉 (click here)
- Install git (preferably, version >= 2.0) and python (preferably, version >=3.6) (windows) For Linux :
sudo yum instal git -y
sudo yum install python -y
- Copy the github url from the repository :
- Select a Directory in local system and use
git clonehttps://github.com/SiddharthaShandilya/automation-using-python.git
*Note for `git clone command` Please make sure that you have proper internet connection. *
*Note for `python` Please try to anaconda for running the app.*
Create a seperate virtual environment to avoid conflict between python libraries :
python3 -m venv new-env
Activate the virtual env: 👉 (click Here)
Install all the libraries as well as software for the application.Do download Docker, Hadoop, AWS.
Have a look at Recommended configurations and Custom configurations.
- Update yum/dnf repository for downloading the required software.
sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
- After Downloading the repo update it.
sudo dnf update
Install Docker :
bash sudo dnf install docker
Install java-8:
sh dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk ant -y
Install Hadoop. For more reference 👉click here
sudo wget http://apachemirror.wuchna.com/hadoop/common/hadoop-3.2.1/hadoop-3.2.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf hadoop-3.2.1.tar.gz
- Install aws-cli:
sh sudo dnf install awscli
you can overwrtite the existng codes and add new features.
In order to add new features in the application you need to:
📌create a seperate file where you can store all the neccessary configuration code.
📌Make sure to put every task in seperate function.
📌Import the new file name to main.py: import <new-file-name>
Want to uninstall and revert back to the old style? No issues (sob). Please feel free to open an issue regarding how we can enhance automation-using-python app
rmdir ./automation-using-python
Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the code and Treat it like it's yours.
📌Adding Voice chat app will make it more user friendly
📌Adding face recognition system will make it more secure.
📌Accessing all the file via Web-Browser will allow us to have more better UI.