Restaurant food order app on SwiftUI + MVVM. Swift 5. Xcode 13.4. iOS 15.
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Storage
- Firestore Database
- Facebook Authentication
- MapKit
- Core Data
- Restaurant menu:
- show top discount section with infinite scroll by timer
- with show/hide dishes in categories
- dish can be added to favorite list (appears when dish added and dissappears when all dishes removed from list)
- dish can be added to cart
- Map:
- display map with pin
- Account profile:
- register user by email-password or Facebook
- user can upload photo to profile
- user can set and change profile information: name, birth date, phone number, password, email (integrated with Firestore Database)
- Cart:
- user can change amount of dishes or remove all of it
- Order process:
- if user is registered in app all information fill fields
- user can choose take away or delivery
- if user selects delivery, address field is displayed (required for order)
- user can select time for delivery or ready to take away
- order button sends information about order to Database
- simple app written in Python sends email with order
Images and menu text from DeGusto