A seamless cross-chain USDC bridge powered by Wormhole & Circle's CCTP.
Sigma Hop enables users to transfer USDC across multiple testnets with a single signature:
- Optimism Sepolia
- Avalanche Fuji
- Base Sepolia
This are the solidity smart contracts used for sigmahop.tech which is built during the Sigma Sprint.
Optimism Sepolia / Base Sepolia / Avalanche Fuji
- Sigma Hop - 0x21f8A88B4Ff388539641e20e67E7078Ab3F61C07
- SigmaUSDCVault - 0x9d45cd42575A9B2E359D6f32Af3Acb642A472756
- Sigma Forwarder - 0xAe8aAaF7cC380d236b8751Df76d31A46B1A15f92
- Sigma Proxy Factory - 0xb5A021AD9d77ca0bb8B1610ab5A3Ae7428B32eB2
- Open Batch Executor - 0x7a4A0e89e041a24550d644fa8387DbeaFE444A3E
# Install dependencies
npm install
# fill environments
cp .env.example .env
# Compile all the contracts
npx hardhat compile
# Deploy on Avalanche Fuji, Check hardhat.config.js to check or add supported chains
npx hardhat run --network fuji scripts/deploy.js