A pincer library that provides templates commands for the Pincer API wrapper.
import nipistaa
from nipistaa.templates import ping
from pincer import Client
@nipistaa.hook(ping, guild=1234567890)
class Bot(Client):
async def on_ready(self):
print('Logged in as', self.bot)
if __name__ == '__main__':
or even make it with bare python Client!
import nipistaa
from pincer import Client
Bot = nipistaa.hook('ping', guild=1234567890)(Client)
want to use nipistaa withing a Cog? No problem.
from pincer import command
from pincer.objects import Embed, MessageContext
import nipistaa
from nipistaa.templates import ping
@nipistaa.hook(ping, guild=134567890)
class MyBeautifulCog:
# your own commands
async def say(self, ctx: MessageContext, message: str):
return Embed(description=f"{ctx.author.user.mention} said:\n{message}")
setup = MyBeautifulCog