@echo off :: THIS FILE IS USED FOR PROGRAMMING INSTALLATION CODE AUTOMATICALLY. :: use PATH_SCMD env var to override default path for Simplicity Commander if "%PATH_SCMD%"=="" ( set COMMANDER="C:\SiliconLabs\SimplicityStudio\v4\developer\adapter_packs\commander\commander.exe" ) else ( set COMMANDER=%PATH_SCMD%\commander.exe ) :: default file extension of GCC and IAR set DEFAULT_INSTALL_CODE="83FED3407A939723A5C639B26916D505" :: change the working dir to the dir of the batch file, which should be in the project root cd %~dp0 if not exist "%COMMANDER%" ( echo Error: Simplicity Commander not found at '%COMMANDER%' echo Use PATH_SCMD env var to override default path for Simplicity Commander. pause goto:eof ) echo ********************************************************************** echo Program the default installation code to the specified device echo 1. Erase the Installation Code if existing echo 2. Program the Installation Code into the Manufacturing Area of the specified Device echo 3. Check the Stored Installation Code echo ********************************************************************** echo. %COMMANDER% flash --tokengroup znet --token "Install Code: !ERASE!" echo. %COMMANDER% flash --tokengroup znet --token "Install Code:%DEFAULT_INSTALL_CODE%" echo. %COMMANDER% tokendump --tokengroup znet --token TOKEN_MFG_INSTALLATION_CODE pause