This repository includes support for devices and features not yet included in the Zephyr mainstream for various reasons.
The steps below applies on common Linux hosts. Please refer to the full documentation for detailed steps.
First, install packages required for Zephyr development, as described in the Zephyr documentation:
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf \
ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget python3-dev python3-pip \
python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xz-utils file make gcc \
gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev libmagic1
Also install west
command. Since no package is provided for west
, it
can be done through pip
pip install west
Retrieve this repository using west init
mkdir workspace
cd workspace
west init -m
Retrieve modules:
west update
You can now install extra Python packages required by Zephyr:
pip install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
SiGx917 integration also need for the crc
Python package:
pip install crc
Retrieve the blobs:
west blobs fetch
Install a toolchain. Zephyr SDK is recommended:
west sdk install
Then, Simplicity Commander is required to flash some targets (eg. SiWG917 can only be flashed using Simplicity Commander):
ARCH=x86_64 # Also consider "aarch32" or "aarch64"
sudo mkdir -p /opt/commander
sudo chown $(id -un):$(id -gn) /opt/commander
tar -C /opt -xvf SimplicityCommander-Linux/Commander_linux_${ARCH}_*
sudo ln -sfn /opt/commander/commander /usr/local/bin/
In order to debug the target, you will need J-Link software pack:
ARCH=x86_64 # Also consider "arm" or "arm64"
wget --post-data accept_license_agreement=accepted$ARCH.deb
sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_$ARCH.deb
Your environment is now installed. You can run all the Zephyr commands, ie. build an application:
west build -b siwx917_rb4338a zephyr/samples/hello_world
... then flash it:
west flash
... and debug it:
west attach
On recent version of Debian (>= bookworm) and derivative, you need to use pipx
(or use Python venv) instead of pip
pipx install west
pipx runpip west install crc
pipx runpip west install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
You probably need to retrieve the binary that match with your architecture. Here is a table to identify your system:
uname -m |
dpkg --print-architecture |
JLink | Commander |
x86_64 |
amd64 |
x86_64 |
x86_64 |
aarch64 |
arm64 |
arm64 |
aarch64 |
arm |
armhf |
arm |
aarch32 |
J-Link software package may not support the Silicon Labs parts. Commander is generally up to date. You can try to copy Commander J-Link customisation files to J-Link software pack:
sudo cp -fr /opt/commander/resources/jlink/* /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V*/