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TYPO3 Neos ElasticSearch Adapter

Created by Sebastian Kurfürst; contributions by Karsten Dambekalns and Robert Lemke.

This project connects the TYPO3 Content Repository (TYPO3CR) to ElasticSearch; enabling two main functionalities:

  • finding Nodes in TypoScript / Eel by arbitrary queries
  • Full-Text Indexing of Pages and other Documents (of course including the full content)

Building up the Index

The node index is updated on the fly, but during development you need to update it frequently.

In case of a mapping update, you need to reindex all nodes. Don't worry to do that in production; the system transparently creates a new index, fills it completely, and when everything worked, changes the index alias.

./flow nodeindex:build

 # if during development, you only want to index a few nodes, you can use "limit"
./flow nodeindex:build --limit 20

 # in order to remove old, non-used indices, you should use this command from time to time:
./flow nodeindex:cleanup

Doing Arbitrary Queries

We'll first show how to do arbitrary ElasticSearch Queries in TypoScript. This is a more powerful alternative to FlowQuery. In the long run, we might be able to integrate this API back into FlowQuery, but for now it works well as-is.

Generally, ElasticSearch queries are done using the ElasticSearch Eel helper. In case you want to retrieve a list of nodes, you'll generally do:

nodes = ${ElasticSearch.query(site)....execute()}

In case you just want to retrieve a single node, the form of a query is as follows:

nodes = ${q(ElasticSearch.query(site)....execute()).get(0)}

To fetch the total number of hits a query returns, the form of a query is as follows:

nodes = ${ElasticSearch.query(site)....count()}

All queries search underneath a certain subnode. In case you want to search "globally", you will search underneath the current site node (like in the example above).

Furthermore, the following operators are supported:

  • nodeType("Your.Node:Type")
  • exactMatch(key, value); supports simple types: exactMatch('tag', 'foo'), or node references: exactMatch('author', authorNode)
  • sortAsc('propertyName') and sortDesc('propertyName') -- can also be used multiple times, e.g. sortAsc('tag').sortDesc(date')` will first sort by tag ascending, and then by date descending.
  • limit(5) -- only return five results. If not specified, the default limit by ElasticSearch applies (which is at 10 by default)
  • from(5) -- return the results starting from the 6th one

Furthermore, there is a more low-level operator which can be used to add arbitrary ElasticSearch filters:

  • queryFilter("filterType", {option1: "value1"})

In order to debug the query more easily, the following operation is helpful:

  • log() log the full query on execution into the ElasticSearch log (i.e. in Data/Logs/ElasticSearch.log)

Example Queries

Finding all pages which are tagged in a special way and rendering them in an overview

Use Case: On a "Tag Overview" page, you want to show all pages being tagged in a certain way

Setup: You have two node types in a blog called Acme.Blog:Post and Acme.Blog:Tag, both inheriting from TYPO3.Neos:Document. The Post node type has a property tags which is of type references, pointing to Tag documents.

TypoScript setup:

 # for "Tag" documents, replace the main content area.
prototype(TYPO3.Neos:PrimaryContent).acmeBlogTag {
	condition = ${q(node).is('[instanceof Acme.Blog:Tag]')}
	type = 'Acme.Blog:TagPage'

 # The "TagPage"
prototype(Acme.Blog:TagPage) < prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection) {
	collection = ${ElasticSearch.query(site).nodeType('Acme.Blog:Post').exactMatch('tags', node).sortDesc('creationDate').execute()}
	itemName = 'node'
	itemRenderer = Acme.Blog:SingleTag
prototype(Acme.Blog:SingleTag) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Template) {

Fulltext Search / Indexing

When searching in a fulltext index, we want to show Pages, or, generally speaking, everything which is a Document node. However, the main content of a certain Document is often not stored in the node itself, but inside its (Content) child nodes.

This is why we need some special functionality for indexing, which adds the content of the inner nodes to the Document nodes where they belong to, to a field called __fulltext and __fulltextParts.

Furthermore, we want that a fulltext match e.g. inside a headline is seen as more important than a match inside the normal body text. That's why the Document node not only contains one field with all the texts, but multiple "buckets" where text is added to: One field which contains everything deemed as "very important" (__fulltext.h1), one which is "less important" (__fulltext.h2), and finally one for the plain text (__fulltext.text). All of these fields add themselves to the ElasticSearch _all field, and are configured with different boost values.

In order to search this index, you can just search inside the _all field with an additional limitation of __typeAndSupertypes containing TYPO3.Neos:Document.

Currently, this package does not contain a plugin for searching, though we might provide one later on.

Advanced: Configuration of Indexing

Normally, this does not need to be touched, as this package supports all TYPO3 Neos data types natively.

Indexing of properties is configured at two places. The defaults per-data-type are configured inside Flowpack.ElasticSearch.ContentRepositoryAdaptor.defaultConfigurationPerType of Settings.yaml. Furthermore, this can be overridden using the properties.[....].elasticSearch path inside NodeTypes.yaml.

This configuration contains two parts:

  • Underneath mapping, the ElasticSearch property mapping can be defined.
  • Underneath indexing, an Eel expression which processes the value before indexing has to be specified. It has access to the current value and the current node.

Example (from the default configuration):

 # Settings.yaml

        # strings should, by default, not be included in the _all field; and
        # indexing should just use their simple value.
            type: string
            include_in_all: false
          indexing: '${value}'
 # NodeTypes.yaml

        # a date should be mapped differently, and in this case we want to use a date format which
        # ElasticSearch understands
          type: date
          include_in_all: false
          format: 'date_time_no_millis'
        indexing: '${(node.hiddenBeforeDateTime ? node.hiddenBeforeDateTime.format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s") + "Z" : null)}'

There are a few indexing helpers inside the ElasticSearch namespace which are usable inside the indexing expression. In most cases, you don't need to touch this, but they were needed to build up the standard indexing configuration:

  • ElasticSearch.buildAllPathPrefixes: for a path such as foo/bar/baz, builds up a list of path prefixes, e.g. ['foo', 'foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz'].
  • ElasticSearch.extractNodeTypeNamesAndSupertypes(NodeType): extracts a list of node type names for the passed node type and all of its supertypes
  • ElasticSearch.convertArrayOfNodesToArrayOfNodeIdentifiers(array $nodes): convert the given nodes to their node identifiers.

Advanced: Fulltext Indexing

In order to enable fulltext indexing, every Document node must be configured as fulltext root. Thus, the following is configured in the default configuration:

      isRoot: true

A fulltext root contains all the content of its non-document children, such that when one searches inside these texts, the document itself is returned as result.

In order to specify how the fulltext of a property in a node should be extracted, this is configured in NodeTypes.yaml at properties.[propertyName].elasticSearch.fulltextExtractor.

An example:

        fulltextExtractor: '${ElasticSearch.fulltext.extractHtmlTags(value)}'

        fulltextExtractor: ${ElasticSearch.fulltext.extractInto('h1', value)}

Fulltext Searching / Search Plugin

There is currently no fulltext search plugin included, though we might add one lateron.


In order to understand what's going on, the following commands are helpful:

  • use ./flow nodeindex:showMapping to show the currently defined ElasticSearch Mapping
  • use the .log() statement inside queries to dump them to the ElasticSearch Log
  • the logfile Data/Logs/ElasticSearch.log contains loads of helpful information.


Flowpack.ElasticSearch adaptor to support TYPO3 Content Repository






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