This project was created for a school project
Project Gras-Book
- Recreating a facebook-like app. Seperated in micro-services with a service for each part :
- Posts API ((here))
- Messaging API (
- User API (
- Reaction API (
- Gras-Book UI (
🏠 Homepage
npm install
copy .env.sample to .env and fill it with the environnement informations.
npm run dev
Informations for environnement variable:
PORT | The port of your local server | INT |
HOST | The host of your local server | STRING |
DB_PORT | The port of your database server | INT |
DB_HOST | The host of your database server | STRING |
DB_USER | The admin user of your database | STRING |
DB_PASSWORD | The admin's password | STRING |
DB_NAME | Your database's name on your server | STRING |
DB_POOL_MAX | The maximum pool of your database | INT |
REQUESTED_RANGE | The size of the requested range for 416 | INT |
MAX_RANGE | Max range available for 416 response | INT |
CONTENT_SIZE | The size of the requested content | INT |
SCALEWAY_ACESS_KEY | The A.key of the SCWL O.Storage service | STRING |
SCALEWAY_SECRET_KEY | The S.key of the SCWL O.Storage service | STRING |
SCALEWAY_ENDPOINT | The End. of the SCWL O.Storage service | STRING |
SCALEWAY_REGION | The Rgion of the SCWL O.Storage service | STRING |
SCALEWAY_BUCKET_NAME | The B.Nme of the SCWL O.Storage service | STRING |
KEYCLOAK_PROTOCOL | The protocole to contact keycloak | STRING |
KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN | The domaine name or ip adresse | STRING |
KEYCLOAK_REALM | The realm of client | STRING |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | The client id for keycloak | STRING |
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET | The client's secret | STRING |
npm run test
When your api is start, you can check:
👤 Jeremy Chauvin
- Github: @Singebob
Others participants
- Github: @SimonHuet
- Github: @EddyCheval
- Github: @YannDurand
- Github: @AlexandreRabreau
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2019 Jeremy Chauvin.
This project is ISC licensed.
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