This repository contains programs that were written to understand and learn data structures under Data Strctures Lab. Each folder represents an experiment. The details of experiments are given below :
- To study stack and different operations on Stack
- Program to Implement menu driven program to perform different Operations on stack.
- Program to Implement multiple stack in one array.
- To study Different types of expression conversion and expression evaluation as an application of Stack with a few more applications
- Program to convert Decimal number to Binary and checking balanced parenthesis of expression using stack.
- Program to convert Infix to Postfix using Stack.
- Program to evaluate Postfix & Prefix expression using stack.
- Program to convert Infix to Prefix and evaluate prefix expression.
- To study Recursion
- Program to implement Binary Search using Recursion.
- Program to implement Tower of Honai using Recursion.
- To Study Queue data structure, its operations and different types
- Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Circular Queue.
- Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Priority Queue.
- Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Linear Queue.
- To Study Linked List data structure, its operations and different types
- Menu driven program to perform different operations on Singly Linked List.
- Menu driven program to perform different operations on Doubly Linked List.
- To study different applications of LL
- Implementation of different operations on singly linked list – copy, concatenate, split, reverse, count no. of nodes.
- Implementation of Linked List menu driven program for stack and queue.
- To study different basic and advanced Sorting techniques
- Menu driven program for Bubble, Insertion and Selection Sort.
- Menu Driven Program for Quick Sort, Merge sort and Heap Sort.
- To study different searching techniques
- Implementation of hashing functions with different collision resolution techniques.
- To study Tree Data Structure
- Implementation of Binary Tree Traversal program.
- Implementation of construction of expression tree using postfix expression.
- Implementation of Binary Search Tree.
- To study Graph Data Structure
- Implementation of DFS & BFS.
- Implementation of Dijkstra’s shortest Path finding algorithm.
Note : All codes are written in C.