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Custom HTML element used to mirror field properties in its first-level children.

State Attributes

Name Description
empty Automatically assigned when all first-level children are empty
invalid Automatically assigned when one or more first-level children are invalid

Mirrored Properties

Name Description
value Get or set an object with the name and value from all first-level children
required Get or set the required state into all first-level children
readOnly Get or set the readOnly state into all first-level children
disabled Get or set the disabled state into all first-level children


Name Description
type Get or set the fieldset type
name Get or set the fieldset name
empty Get the empty state based on all first-level children
unwind Get or set the unwind state determining whether the value property must be unrolled or not
orientation Get and set the fieldset orientation. Use: row or column value


Name Description
focus Move the focus to the first-level child that can be focused
reset Reset all first-level children to its initial values
checkValidity Check whether all first-level children are valid or not


Name Description
change Dispatched when some field in the fieldset is changed


Using npm:

npm i @singleware/ui-fieldset


MIT © Silas B. Domingos