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@SitecoreBot SitecoreBot released this 03 Nov 06:49


Merged fix for the issues: 1. A user get "Handle not found error" error In Experiance Editor if the user delete page that has reference to another item (broken link dialog) (issue #103751) 2. Issues where in multi-site Sitecore solutions, the Preview functionality of the Content Editor or Page Editor may incorrectly resolve the site the previewed item belongs to (issues #321270 and #321271).


The release was built for and tested with the following Sitecore products in bare condition (no hotfixes, patches or other customizations, unless explicitly specified):

  • Sitecore CMS 8.1 rev. 160519 (Update-3)


  • bin/Sitecore.Support.321270.321271.103751.dll
  • App_Config/Include/zzz/Sitecore.Support.321270.321271.103751.config
  • sitecore/shell/Applications/WebEdit/WebEditRibbon.aspx
  • sitecore/shell/client/Sitecore/ExperienceEditor/Pipelines/DeleteItem/DeleteItem.Confirm.js


For all Sitecore instances in the solution:

  1. Make a backup of the files mentioned in Contents section that already exist in Website folder.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive to the Website folder, overwrite existing files if any conflicts occur.
  3. Find the DeleteItem.ExecuteRequest.js and DeleteItem.BrokenLinksDialog.js files in the /sitecore/shell/client/Sitecore/ExperienceEditor/Pipelines/DeleteItem folder.
  4. Сhange extensions of these files to "SupportFix103751", e.g. DeleteItem.BrokenLinksDialog.js.SupportFix103751


  1. Remove the files listed in the Contents section.
  2. Restore the original files from the backup made during installation.

Important Notes

  • The patch should be installed only if recommended by Sitecore Support.
  • Any related issues and other feedback should be reported via support portal, check KB 654910 for details.
  • Check KB 077333 to find more information about Sitecore Patches.