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Idx Property List Widget

Davis edited this page May 4, 2021 · 6 revisions

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Idx Property List Widget

We recommend appending `data-` to any Stratus HTML data attributes to be most compatible with all browsers. e.g.: ng-model='model' could be written as data-ng-model='model'. For shorthand and readability sake, we will omit appending this from data attributes in this informational.

All widgets are actively under heavy development and options/usages are subject to possible changes.



Widget Parameters

Widget Parameters
Parameter Type Default Description
element-id string To be targeted and controllable with the Search widget, a `element-id` must be defined. This value will be the same as the Search widget's `list-id` (See Property Search). Multiple Search widgets may attach to the same List widget but, a Search widget may only control a single List widget.
init-now boolean
Two-way bound option. When needing to provide data/options to this widget in an async environment, this initialization can be delayed by supplying a bound variable to notify when the data is ready.
e.g. `init-now="model.completed"`
token-url string To determine what datasources the Idx widgets are able to pull from and their temporary credentials, a `token-url` directs to the location that manages this widget's subscription and provides what Idx servers it has access to.
google-api-key string For map support, client will need to provide a Google Maps Api key. With current functionality, just the free api key with iFrame support will do.
See Google Documentation
details-link-popup boolean true By default, will have a dialog popup of a Listing displayed onto the current page when a listing is clicked.
If set to false, will load a new dedicated window with search options to load details for the selected listing. Further controlled and overwritten with `details-link-url` and `details-link-target`
details-link-url string If ever opening a listing not as a popup, will define the URL path to the Details widget.
details-link-target string 'popup' Will define how to open a listing. Any usable HTML 'target' attribute such as 'popup', '_self' or '_blank'. Being '_self' or '_blank' will automatically disable `details-link-popup` above.
details-hide-variables string[] Hide specific Details of Listings when using the Popup.
details-template string 'details' The file name in which is loaded for the view of the Details widget. The name will automatically be appended with '.component.min.html'. The default is `'details.component.html'` / `'details'`. This view only is used if a popup appears rather than loading the Details widget on a fresh page.
TODO: Will need to allow setting a custom path of views outside the library directory.
advanced-search-url string A link to another dedicated advanced search page (used when this is a module)
advanced-search-linkname string 'Advanced Search' An alternative name for the advanced search button.
preferred-status string 'Closed' The displayed status name of 'Closed' (sold/leased/auctioned) listings by default will be 'Closed'. Update this option to make use of a different term in both the list and popup Details.
contact-name string If used, expects a string to identify the name of a point of contact. (such as office or person). Parameter will be passed to any Details popups.
contact-email string If used, expects full email address to publicly display and generate a clickable link for. Parameter will be passed to any Details popups.
contact-phone string If used, expects normalize phone number to publicly display and generate a tap-able link for. Parameter will be passed to any Details popups.
template string 'list' The file name in which is loaded for the view of the widget. The name will automatically be appended with `'.component.min.html'`. The default is `'list.component.html'` / `'list'`.
TODO: Will need to allow setting a custom path of views outside the library directory.
order-options json The possible orders displayed as a user selectable option.
Defaults to
'Price (high to low)': '-ListPrice',
'Price (low to high)': 'ListPrice'
url-load boolean true Allow query to be loaded initially from the URL. Disable this for times you don't want a url to either control the displayed listings (or be able to share a defined search URL).
search-on-load boolean true On widget load, immediately attempt to search for and display the current query results. Disable this for times that you wish to not populate results until a user performs an action such as clicking a button.
query json See Query Options
query-* json
See Query Options
In place of `query` above, individual query properties may also be added to. these include `where`, `service`, `per-page` and `order`
hide-disclaimer boolean false When enabled, will attempt to hide the disclaimer within this List, so long as the IDX used's disclaimer is detected else on the page via the stratusIdxDisclaimer widget.
See Idx Disclaimer Widget
display-order-options boolean true By default, it will display the sort dropdown.
display-per-row number 2 Set the number of rows to display in a List (if the template supports this option). This updates the textual option
display-per-row-text string 'two' Set the number of rows to display in a List (if the template supports this option). This updates the numeral option
display-pager boolean true