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Developer API

LimeGlass edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

Adding as dependency


Maven requires setting up profiles and defining the token else where


In your build.gradle add:

repositories {
	maven {
		url ''
		credentials {
			username = "Sitrica"
			password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_KEY")

dependencies {
	compile (group: 'com.sitrica', name: 'SourRestorer', version: '1.0.0')

SourRestorer uses Github accounts to grant access in order to be able to compile, so if you're on our restricted list of users, you will not be allowed to compile this resource. The following goes over how to get your Github token;

Getting a Github token:

1.) Go into your account settings on Github and create a personal token with the read:packages scope checked.

2.) Generate that key, and now go add a System Environment Variable named GITHUB_PACKAGES_KEY

3.) Restart computer or if using Chocolatey type refreshenv

Note: you can just directly put your token as the password, but we highly discourage that.

Using the API

coming soon

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