cite the article as:
Siva, M.V., Jayakumar, E.P. HSMF: hardware-efficient single-stage feedback mean filter for high-density salt-and-pepper noise removal. J Real-Time Image Proc 21, 99 (2024).
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Matlab implementation of: HSMF: hardware-efficient single-stage feedback mean filter for high-density salt-and-pepper noise removal.
Provide Original image and noisy image as input to the above call_HSMF.p file, it returns denoise image, PSNR, SSIM.
usage [Denoisedimage, PSNR,SSIM] = call_HSMF('cameraman.tif','cameraman_noisy_img.tif') -- here cameraman_noisy_img.tif image contains salt and pepper noise