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Not Pron

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Notes relating to the individual levels in the not pron internet riddle created by CEO of Supra Games and game developer David Munnich.

Read more about this riddle at the not pron wikipedia page.

Fast Company article about Not Pron.

Starting The Riddle

The game can be accessed by visiting the website here and clicking the start button which redirects to the first level

Level 1

Level 1 is pretty straight forward. Just an image with an html area map over the door which when clicked on leads to level 2. One interesting thing to note though is that in the HTML source code there is a comment directed at users all the way at the bottom. This leads me to believe further levels will require reading source code. The comment reads:

<!--good idea, but the source is one screen ahead of this one-->

Level 2

Level 2 contains another image of a door with another area map (on the door knob) that when hovered over triggers the following JavaScript alert...

The door is closed. Trick it or reach LEVEL3 in a different way! (Address? Where is the hand pointing?)

The hand reffered to in the alert is pointing up at the URL and the alert mentions the word address as a hint.

Logically the next step is URL address changing.

Some things to note about this level are that the image area map is hidden away within a font tag as seen below. This is also the first time hints have been presented and I will link them within the hints section of this document.

<font color="#FFFFFF">
    <map name="no">
      <area shape="rect" coords="161,350,189,400" onmouseover="returnTruth();return true;" href="../false">
    <a href="" target="_blank"><font size="5" face="Arial">Hints
    and Rules</font></a><br>

Level 3

Level 3 contains a GIF that occasionaly flashes the words:

Stop being so negative

And a comment in the HTML source code that reads:

<!-- read the whole url -->

So changing the negative value in the URL into a positive should lead us to level 4.

Level 4

Level 4 presents us again with another image with an area map within. It can be found on the object in front of the two pillows. When this object is clicked on we recieve a JavaScript alert that reads:

Password Hint: LightThisPlaceNow

After which a login prompt is shown which asks for our username and password.

These credentials can be found in the photo underneath the light on the nightstand.

Somewhat obscured there are two lines of morse code that read:

...- --- --- -.. --- --- -- .- --. .. -.-.

Taking that morse code and plugging it into CyberChef reveals the following message:

voodoo magic

Plugging these values into the login form redirects us to Level 5.

  • Login: voodoo
  • Password: magic

Level 5

Level 5 includes an image of a CD case and a remote control on a table with some text at the bottom that reads:

Eyes like an angel smiles like a devil

The name of the band on the CD case is Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

The image area map can be found over the power button on the remote control.

Again this area map on click produces another login form, the credentials of which can be found by performing a simple google search of those lyrics and using the song name (simple songs) on the form.

  • Username: simple
  • Password: songs

Level 6

Level 6 contains an image of pipes with an area map in the lower left corner. Again clicking on this area produces an alert followed by a login form.

The alert reads:

Password Hint: anagram

So now all we have to do is find the password.

Scrolling down the page you can find the word "up". Hinting at some hidden information above this location. There are 2 ways you can find this...

  1. Highlight the page revealing the black text.

  2. Read the HTML code realizing there is a second HTML page being loaded in via the iframe tag. This document is trying to obscure the text by setting the body text color to all black. Within this document is a paragraph tag with the hidden information.

The hidden information reads:

108 105 108 107 101 122 111 110

These numbers all lay in the range (97-122) of lowercase ASCII characters.


Another way to tell that these are ASCII characters is by reading the hidden comment in the HTML source code all the way at the bottom which reads:

<!--ascii is an alternative-->

Once translated, these codes reveal the word:


Rearranged this creates the word:


Entering this into our login form redirects us to level 7.


  • Login: kill
  • Password: zone

Level 7

Ok, so this level was pretty difficult. It starts with an image of a crumpled twix wrapper in front of a mirror. There is no area map within the image and no text on the page to guide you. There is a new note in the left corner though which reads the following:

-From now on almost all levels require you to have a look at the source code.

In the HTML source code we can find the following comments:

<!--times have changed in deutschland -->
<!--what candy wrapper is it?-->

If we take a look at the hint for this level it says:

Carefully read the URL. It's telling you what to do.

Examining the URL for this level something stands out. The strange names for the directory and file.


This is just backwards for:


So at first I thought this level would be easy and the solution would be:


But this led to a dead end, so I tried every possible combination of reversing directory and file names I can think of and while some led to 404 errors, others were more interesting. Some of these combinations produced unique messages. These are those links and their messages starting from the Level 7 landing page.


    Starting Point


    No, name what you see on the pic, go back!


    too new




    i'd like to have it backwards tho


    no, i want backwards backwards


    no, just name it


    do IT

At this point I started to wonder what I was doing wrong and decided to rethink this whole process. These messages continue to tell me to "just name it" then there was the weird hint in the HTML source code.

<!--times have changed in deutschland-->

Then it hit me, maybe Twix has a different name in Germany.

Which led me to the Twix Wikipedia page.

Apparently Twix used to be called Raider.

Which led to me to the 9th interesting message:

    • dnuorayawrehto

Backwards for otherwayaround

And finally the way to level 8:

Level 8

Level 8 contains another image with an area map. This time it's right over the soundhole of the guitar. When clicked on, a JavaScript alert pops up giving us the first hint followed by a login form. The alert reads:

Password Hint: mom, he formatted my second song

Below the image there is text that reads:

JAY should PACK his stuff

Interesting things to note on this level are that so far every page has been loading up an mp3 file stored at:

But this time in the HTML source code we can see an attempt at loading a second mp3 stored at:

Suspiciously, the audio tag for this second mp3 is broken causing it to never be loaded into the document.

  <audio src="../stuff/mus1.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>
  <au dio src="../stuff/mus2.mp3">

Theres also an interesting comment in the HTML:

<!-- water became wine -->

Following the link to the second mp3 we get the following error message:

no video with supported format and mime type found

If we compare both files with "view source" it becomes clear that mus2.mp3 is not an mp3 it's an image. There are clear strings of text referencing Adobe Photshop.

Downloading this file reveals it is a JPEG of the level 9 login credentials.

  • Login: inverted
  • Password: tenthlevel

Additional Information - Running exiftool on the downloaded JPEG reveals a ton of metadata. One of which might be a link to another level. You can find a copy in the metadata.txt file within the Level-8-Assets folder.

Level 9

Level 9 is under the /notpron/luv2music directory in a file called paulisdead.htm and the document title for this page (name on the tab) is "revolution".

The page contains another JPEG with an image map over the number 9 in the upper left corner. Clicking this area reveals this levels hint followed by the login prompt. The hint reads:

Password Hint: colorful

Underneath the image we can find the following text:

tears under john's mad notes of pain

did he answer demon's call now

Looking at the directory name, file name, page title, and text under the image it's clear these are all Beatles references. Even the level number 9 is a reference to the notorious Beatles song "Revolution 9".

But Paul is still alive and changing the URL from:


Gives us an easter egg that reads:

yeah i know he is alive, but don't waste your time with the Mc!

And if you Google "Paul is dead" you'll get articles about the infamous conspiracy theory that Paul McCartney died and was replaced by a look alike.

This level is also the first page so far to contain zero comments in the HTML source code.

Instead you'll find something interesting in the repeated use of the span tags. They wrap around single letters and serve no purpose. They're not being used by a CSS or JavaScript file. They're just suspiciously there.

<span class="not">t</span>ears <span class="not">u</span>nde<span class="not">r</span> joh<span class="not">n</span>'s <span class="not">m</span>ad not<span class="not">e</span>s <span class="not">o</span>f pai<span class="not">n</span>
<br><span class="not">d</span>id h<span class="not">e</span> <span class="not">a</span>nswer <span class="not">d</span>e<span class="not">m</span>on's c<span class="not">a</span>ll <span class="not">n</span>ow

Taking every letter within the span tags reveals the following two lines:

turn me on

dead man

Which happen to be the login credentials for level 10. Additionally these are the lyrics that can be heard when listening to Revolution 9 backwards, according the the "Paul is dead" conspiracy theorists.

  • Username: turnmeon
  • Password: deadman

Level 10

Level 10 contains an image of a gold ring on top of a book. The ring has an area map around it. When the ring is clicked on we receive a JavaScript alert with a password hint, followed by a login form.

The password hint reads:

Password Hint: operator woman said it

The URL for this page is:

The document title is:

he was impatient

Examining the HTML source code reveals some interesting information. An MP3 file we haven't seen yet called mus3.mp3, and two comments.

<audio src="../stuff/mus3.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>
<!--quick quick, don't let me wait-->
<!--%SystemRoot%\System32\sndrec32.exe can capture "what u hear"-->

The second HTML comment tells us to record what we hear. Instead we can just download that MP3 file we found (mus3.mp3).

Now at this point, I knew that there was hidden data within the audio file, but to be honest I had no idea how to get it or what I was looking for. The audio file just sounded like incomprehensible white noise. So I looked up some YouTube videos on how to hide/find data in audio files.

To start I needed a program for working with audio files and ended up choosing Audacity.

Once I loaded the mus3.mp3 file into Audacity I checked if the info was hidden within the spectogram.

mus3.mp3 spectograph

But there was nothing there. Then I remembered the HTML comment and the page title of the level.

Document Title: He was impatient

HTML Comment: quick quick, don't let me wait

After that I sped up the audio and started to notice that the once incomprehensible audio started to sound more and more like something real.

Then I reversed the audio and in a deep voice the words "Dark Times" could be heard.

It becomes clearer too once the pitch is raised.

Below are the steps needed to hear the words hidden within the audio file. Along with links to the audio files I saved at the different phases.

  1. Effect -> Pitch and Tempo -> Change Speed -> Speed Multiplier (5.000)

  2. Effect -> Pitch and Tempo -> Reversed

  3. Effect -> Pitch and Tempo -> Change Pitch -> Percent Change (75.000)

This leads us to the following login credentials:

Username: dark

Password: times

Additional Notes -

The previous level was about a song played backwards revealing a hidden message. This was foreshadowing the reversal of the mus.mp3 file in level 10.

The word "roawr" in the roawr.htm file is an anagram of "arrow".

Switching the /right directory to /wrong reveals an easter egg.

Level 11

Level 11 contains an image of the inside of an oven where something is being cooked (casserole?). The image contains an area map over the oven light. When clicked on, this area map triggers a JavaScript alert followed by a login prompt. The alert reads:

Password Hint: follow the truth

The URL for this page:

The document title is:

ahead of its time

The HTML source code is suspiciously short at only 16 lines. There are no helpful comments.

<!--IRC Quakenet #notpron-->
        <title>ahead of its time</title>
        <audio src="../stuff/mus3.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>
        <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../style.css" />
        <img src="screen12.jpg" width="680" height="520" border="0" usemap="#Map"> 
        <map name="Map">
            <area shape="circle" coords="534,152,29" href="../blame/crossview.htm"  onclick="alert('Password Hint: follow the truth')">

The only thing we have to go on is the image. We're told something is "ahead of its time", to "follow the truth", and that there is some "mystery".

At first I thought that "ahead of its time" might refer to the HTTP Headers but there was nothing out of the ordinary there.

After that I thought maybe something was hidden in the image file header. Again nothing out of the ordinary there either. I tried the strings command on the file to look for suspicious text but nothing interesting came back.

Then I tried exiftool on the image to extract metadata, but there was nothing.

At this point I started thinking maybe one of the levels before contained the answer, making it "ahead of its time". This led me to checking the metadata on every image. I saved a copy of every image and its metadata in the "Images-And-Metadata" folder.

This is where I discovered a couple interesting things:

  1. There is a file missing. Where is screen11.jpg? Why is level 11's image being saved as the image to level 12 instead?

  2. Why is level 8's image being saved as 8a (screen8a.jpg) instead of just the level number like all the others (screen7.jpg, screen9.jpg)? Is there another hidden image on that level?

Image names

  1. screen1.jpg
  2. screen2.jpg
  3. screen3.gif
  4. screen4.jpg
  5. screen5.jpg
  6. screen6.jpg
  7. screen7.jpg
  8. screen8a.jpg
  9. screen9.jpg
  10. screen10.jpg
  11. screen12.jpg

Going back to the URL for the image on level 11:

And looking for the lost file:

Reveals the existence of the missing image:


And our login credentials for level 12:

Login: fucking

Password: pans

Additional Notes -

I went back to see if the 8b image existed and it does.





There's also an image for level 3. The only level so far to use a GIF instead of image. It can be found by replacing the gif extension with jpg.

Level 12

Level 12 contains an image of two side by side, nearly identical scenes of random items across a floor. and this time there are two area maps over the image. Both over the number 12.

Level 12 Image

Clicking on the area maps triggers the login prompt for level 13 and a password hint which reads:

Password Hint: attention whore

The URL for this level is:

And the document title is:


Underneath the image is the following subtext:

I'm ruining the third dimension!

Also the Google search bar is back which means we're going to have to look something up.

Inspecting the HTML source code we can find four interesting comments:

<!-- switch pics for parallel view -->

<!--name me-->

<!--GIF me my picture back-->


The "name me" comment is right next to the words "I'm ruining the third dimension".

<p><font color="#FFFFFF" size="5" face="Arial">I'm ruining the third dimension!<!--name me--></font></p>

Visiting the URL in the comments, we're able to download a ZIP file called which contains a file called dragon.wmv.

But the video kind of leads nowhere, at least for me it did.

Going back to the level 12 image URL and looking for a GIF based on the HTML comment "GIF me my image back". You'll find that a gif version of the images does exist. You can find it by:



But still, no password.

Looking at the other clues, I decided to look up "what is a crossview?" in DuckDuckGo and one of the results stuck way out.

A Reddit page with the title:

CrossView: stereoscopic 3D using cross-eyed freeviewing of side-by-side stereograms

According to the r/CrossView Wiki:

Cross view images, or side-by-side stereoscopy, is a cool way of seeing 3D pictures without needing technologically advanced screens or special glasses.

How To View: Simply cross your eyes halfway between the pictures until both images overlap one another (3 images total), holding your view on the central image, and with a little patience, the image should 'push' into focus- you'll know it when you see it!

They also have a sister-sub called r/ParallelView for "reversed crossview" or "pseudo-stereo".

So this pretty much hit on everything in this level. The title being "stereo", comment saying "switch pics for parallel view", split images and most importantly the subtext that says "I'm breaking the third dimension".

To understand what is "breaking the third dimension" it probably helps to see some CrossView Images that work really well. So I found some really good ones.

Gear Ball -

Gear Ball

Rotating Heliosphere -

Rotating Heliosphere

Christmas Trees -

Christmas Trees

But trying to CrossView the side by side image on level 12 doesn't work as well as these others because one of the objects is ruining the effect. The remote control.

This object gives us the following login credentials:

Login: remote

Password: control

Level 13

Level 13 contains an image of a clock and a ring, there are 3 numbers on the image and this time there are 6 image area maps, instead of the usual 1. Five of these area maps are scattered around and look like slight discolorations in the image but they're shaped like letters. Hovering over each one triggers a different alert. The other and main area map can be found right over the clock. Clicking on this reveals a password hint, followed by the login form.

The three numbers on the page:

  • 13 (Level number area)
  • 4 (On the clock)
  • 10 (On the ring)

Message when clicking on the clock:

Password Hint: I live there.

Text underneath image:

no maths

Level URL:

Document title:

lucy not in the sky

Examining the HTML source code reveals only one comment:

<!-- he's been a bad boy -->

The alerts produced when hovering over the discolorations claim to be part of some order (out of 5 total). But two are variable (x). The only ones that are numbered are positions 2, 3, and 5. 1 and 4 are x.

  • 2 of 5 - looks like it could be the letter m, letter E, or number 3.

  • 3 of 5 - Letter V

  • 5 of 5 - Letter L

  • x of 5 (lower right) - Looks like uppercase I, or lowercase l.

  • x of 5 (upper left) - Letter D.

Trying to arrange these letters to form a word we can start by filling in the spaces we know for sure (3 and 5).

  • __V_L

In the second space we have 3 possibilities (m, E, 3).

  • _mV_L

  • _EV_L

  • _3V_L

We know one of the letters is D so now we can try to put that letter in one of the empty spaces. Starting with the first empty position.

  • DmV_L

  • DEV_L

  • D3V_L

And there it is DEV_L immediately sticks out. We know the symbol in the lower right (x of 5) was either I or l. Now it becomes obvious it was an I. The word is DEVIL.

Now we have the username, and the password hint told us "i live there". So that gives us the following login credentials for level 14:

username: devil

password: hell

Additional Information -

Messing around with the death themed URL returns some interesting easter eggs. I've only been able to find three of them and I'm not sure if any more exist. Below are the three I found and the text those URLS return.


    • Have I told you about the room which is full of people who find you to be horribly uncreative?

    • no, evil lucifer is dead

    • man you are tricky!

Level 14

Level 14 contains an image that looks very similar to the image from level 5. A remote control resting on the "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Live" album and again the image area map is over the power button. The level number 5 is crossed off and 14 is replacing it.

Level URL:

Document Title:

He knew the feeling...

Clikcking on the area map triggers the following message:

Password Hint: quoi?

HTML Comments:

<!--what language is the password hint? use it properly!-->

This level had me going down a lot of dead ends. From trying the level 5 credentials on this level (in English and French). Looking up the lyrics to every song on the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Live album for references of the Matrix (based on neo being the directory name) or looking for French lyrics.

It wasn't until I couldn't think of anything else to try that it became pretty obvious.

The password is a French word and the only other hints are Neo, been there, he knew the feeling.

On a level almost identical to one we've done before.

What do Neo, a feeling, being somewhere again, french words have to do with eachother?

A feeling of being somewhere again in French that Neo experienced.

Deja Vu

These were the French words that finally worked as the login credentials.



Level 15

Level 15 contains an image of rusty pipes and an area map over the top of the main pipe. Clicking on this area map reveals the following message:

Password Hint: you are on your own

Level 15 URL:

Document Title:

hit the keys

HTML Source Code Comments:

  <title>hit the keys</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8"/><!-- ignore this -->
  <audio src="../stuff/mus1.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>
  <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../style.css" />
  <!-- [1] 4 [2] 1 [3] 6 [2] 3 [1] 9 [3] 7
  [2] 1 [3] 3 3 [1] 3 [2] 2 2-->
<!--this message is ONLY for french people (and maybe belgium): votre clavier est erroné (sorry, just babelfish, I have no clue if it's good, but you can translate it back--> 

The bulk of this levels information can be found in the HTML comments. One big hint comes at the bottom as a message to French and possibly Belgium users.

It tells them (in French) that their "keyboards are wrong". The writer also claims he used the Babelfish translator to write those words.

Looking up "French Keyboard Layout" in DuckDuckGo we can find some articles explaining the differences between French and American keyboards.

The French apparently use AZERTY keyboards instead of QWERTY.

AZERTY Keyboard

So we know that this level has to do with our keyboard (/rusty/board, "hit the keys", "your keyboard is wrong") and that if we have the wrong keyboard our answer won't work.

Now going back to the other HTML comment.

This could have easily been written on one line. But instead was broken in two.

<!-- [1] 4 [2] 1 [3] 6 [2] 3 [1] 9 [3] 7 [2] 1 [3] 3 3 [1] 3 [2] 2 2-->
<!-- [1] 4 [2] 1 [3] 6 [2] 3 [1] 9 [3] 7
[2] 1 [3] 3 3 [1] 3 [2] 2 2-->

So maybe the first line is the username, and second is the password.

It also looks like coordinates or a mapping. The first number in [], and the second without brackets relate to each other in some way.

The numbers in brackets only go up to 3, and the highest second number is 9.

Looking for things with either 3 columns 9 rows, or 9 columns 3 rows that relate to a keyboard. It becomes obvious. These numbers are keyboard coordinates. The 3 alphabetical rows on the keyboard and their colums.

First Line (Username):

ROW 1 2 3 2 1 3
COLUMN 4 1 6 3 9 7
KEY r a n d o m

Second Line (Password):

ROW 2 3 1 2
COLUMN 1 3 3 3 2 2
KEY a cc e ss

Username: random

Password: access

Level 16

This level took me the longest to figure out. It contains an image of all the level images so far (16 total) with numbers over them. The area map can be found on the last section of the image (the one with no number over it). When clicking on the last section we get a password hint followed by a login form.

Level 16 URL:

Password Hint:

Password Hint: déjà vu?

Document Title:


HTML Comments:

  <meta charset="utf-8"/><!-- ignore this -->
  <audio src="../stuff/mus1.mp3" autoplay loop></audio><!-- # = ellwll/hrnkov/proo/... -->
  <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../style.css" />
<!-- invert az-->
<!--I know, at this point you regret not having saved all passwords and URLs of the previous levels. But I tell you, start doing it now, or you might regret it much more later!-->

Looking at the comments gives us a hint that the username and password for this level has something to do with the usernames and passwords from previous levels. So I made a file for all URLS and another file for all level credentials.

If we put the numbers found on the image in a 4x4 grid just like how they are on the image it would look something like this.

0 0 0 4
5# 3# 0 2#
5 0 1# 1
1 2 1

One thing that's noticed right away is that the image sections with a 0 over them are the levels without usernames and passwords. That leaves us trying to figure out the meaning of the other numbers.

4 voodoo:magic 4
5 simple:songs 5#
6 kill:zone 3#
8 inverted:tenthlevel 2#
9 turnmeon:deadman 5
11 fucking:pans 1#
12 remote:control 1
13 devil:hell 1
14 deja:vu 2
15 random:access 1

There are two groups, regular numbers and the ones with a pound sign.

In the comments it tells us that "# = ellwll/hrnkov/proo/...".

At first I thought this was a Caesar Cipher or a Vigenere but it's actually an Atbash Cipher.

Atbash is a simple cipher often referred to as "mirror code" where a letter is mapped to its reverse (A=Z, B=Y, C=X, Z=A, Y=B, C=X, etc).

Hence the hint "inverse a-z".

Atbash Table (Taken From Wikipedia)-


We can decrypt ellwll/hrnkov/proo/ with the table above or we can use a tool like CyberChef.

We can also decrypt this section of the URL /zoo/mznvh.

Atbash Deciphered

So ellwll/hrnkov/proo/ and zoo/mznvh decrypted are voodoo/simple/kill/ and all/names.

But what does this have to do with the credentials for this level?

Well all/names probably refers to the fact that these numbers have to be taken from the usernames (example- 4 would mean 4th letter of that username).

And # = ellwll/hrnkov/proo/ refers to the fact that numbers with the pound represent letters that have to also be "inverted" (example- 4# would mean take the 4th letter of the username and invert that letter).

We can start this whole proccess by taking all the letters at the number given for all usernames.

voodoo 4 d
simple 5# l
kill 3# l
inverted 2# n
turnmeon 5 m
fucking 1# f
remote 1 r
devil 1 d
deja 2 e
random 1 r

That process gives us these letters.


And if we invert the letters from the levels with a pound sign after a number we get these new letters.


d   m rder
 lln f
 oom u

Now we have the login credentials for level 17.

Username: doom

Password: murder

Level 17

Level 17 was quicker to solve than the others. This level contains an image with no area map. So getting to the next level will involve changing the URL.

Level URL -

Document Title -

aliens are coming

HTML Comments -

<p><img src="screen17.jpg"></p><!--what am I?-->

The comment in the HTML source code is right next to the image tag and asks us "what am I?", so we need to identify what the image is and use that word in the URL to get to the next level.

The image looks like a very bright light, kind of shaped like a ufo. That's probably why the document title is "aliens are coming".

At first I tried looking at the image URL to look for any clues.

Here I found that changing the screen numbers returned some Easter Eggs. The image used for this level is saved as screen17.jpg. But there's also a screen18.jpg, and a screen20.jpg. Here are those images...





But visiting the following URL looking for screen19 returns an error.

So you would think the extra images end, but they don't.



None of these images hint at what the object in the image is though.

So I started guessing what it could be, the sun, an egg, eclipse, ufo, etc. Many of these guesses led nowhere. But some returned Easter eggs. Here are the URL's that lead to those along with the text at those pages.

The Sun -

you wish


hello mulder, you won't believe it, but it's no aliens!!

An Egg -

gack fool.......eggs are different

A Light -

that would be a bit too easy...

Changing pron.htm to notpron.htm -

Wrong pron is always wrong! :P


And finally the object that leads to level 18...

A Lamp -

Side Note -

Messing around with the URL made me realize I never tried changing the notpron directory to pron, this led me to the following image. -


Then I noticed something else. The letter p at the upper right corner. The image I found before on this level (youaskedforit.jpg) had the letter o in the lower right corner. I'm not sure what it means, maybe clues for another level.

Level 18

Level 18 contains a close up image of piano keys. There is no area map over the image, so again this level will involve changing the URL somehow.

Level URL -

Level Image URL -

Document Title -

sorry, going on for some more time

HTML Comments -

<!-- what the heck is the 'a' for? why not a 'b'? or nothing at all? -->

Other Interesting Things In HTML -

<audio src="mus4.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>

Starting with the HTML comment that said "what the heck is the 'a' for? why not a 'b'? or nothing at all?". This question was referencing the naming scheme Not Pron uses for its images. All images have the name screen followed by the level number. All level images follow this format so far except level 8 and this level. Maybe all levels that end in 8 will do this. The image for level 18 is called "screen18a.jpg", which means there must be an 18b, 18c, etc.

Looking for these images leads down a huge rabbit hole of images that do not help with moving to the next level, but I think some of them may be useful in future levels, so I saved them all in the Level-18-Assets folder.

Below are the images that I found in the /finale/ directory. Starting with screen17.jpg (previous level image) and ending with screen20.jpg. The only images I wont link here are the ones of nude models. You can find those in the Level-18-Assets folder.

An interesting thing to note about the NSFW images is that they all contain a semi-visible letter in one of the corners (not sure what it means yet). Anyway here are the images... - screen17.jpg - screen18.jpg - screen18a.jpg - screen18b.jpg - screen18c.jpg - screen18d.jpg - screen18e.jpg - screen18f.jpg - screen18g.jpg - screen18h.jpg

screen18i.jpg -

  • Missing

screen18j.jpg -

  • Missing

screen18k.jpg -

  • Missing

screen18l.jpg -

  • Missing - screen18m.jpg - - screen18o.jpg - - screen18q.jpg - screen18r.jpg - - screen18t.jpg - screen18u.jpg - screen18v.jpg - screen18w.jpg - - - screen18z.jpg - screen20.jpg

That's where the image rabbit hole ended as far as I could tell. This ended up leading nowhere, which I kind of knew it would, because the weirdest thing about this level was the mus4.mp3 file.

This is the first time the audio file has been used. Listening to it you can hear a piano but it's not a song, there is no melody just random notes.

If you run the linux file command on mus4.mp3 you'd think it would return "Audio file", but instead it returns the word "data".

Linux file command on mus1.mp3:

mus1.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Monaural

Linux file command on mus3.mp3:

mus3.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo

Linux file command on mus4.mp3:

mus4.mp3: data

Another interesting thing can be found in the metadata of the audio file. There is a comment that reads "toll eh" (backwards for he llot).

As for the notes in the audio file, there are 8 total. We can view them by using a tool like Audacity.

mus4.mp3 Audio Waves

But because I know nothing about identifying notes I had to look for a website that could take an audio file and produce the corresponding note. It took awhile but I finally found one called Tunebat. The only problem was it wouldn't work on the whole file (it just kept saying the file was "A minor").

So I had to cut every note in Audacity and save them to their own individual files and upload those one by one.

Notes -

  1. note-1.mp3 - D Minor
  2. note-2.mp3 - E Minor
  3. note-3.mp3 - A Minor
  4. note-4.mp3 - F Minor
  5. note-5.mp3 - D Minor
  6. note-6.mp3 - E Minor
  7. note-7.mp3 - A Minor
  8. note-8.mp3 - F Minor

Tunebat Output

So the 8 keys we hear in the audio file (D, E, A, F, D, E, A, F) represent the word "deaf".

Finally to move on to the next level all we have to do is replace lamp.htm with deaf.htm.

Level 19

Level 19 contains an image of a distorted arm giving us the middle finger. There is an area map over the finger nail area that when clicked on gives us a password "hint", followed by a login form.

Level URL -

Image URL -

Document Title -

he moved it into the right direction

Clicking Area Map -

Password Hint: 0_o

HTML Comments -

<!--vovtvbm tuvgg-->

So we finally see the missing screen19 JPEG (scr34n19.jpg). We couldn't find it before because the two e's in screen were replaced with the number 34. Which is still weird, because if the goal was to use Leetspeak on the "ee" in "screen" it should be "33" not "34". I'm not sure if this will be relevant in a future level or if it's just a typo.

There's also another image called "scr34n20.jpg". - scr34n20.jpg

Back to solving this level...

This level is really easy to solve, the HTML comment that says "vovtvbm tuvgg" is clearly two encrypted words.

If we start by assuming it's a Caesar Cipher we can brute force the 26 keys and see if any of the output makes sense.

This can be done manually, but it's a lot quicker to use a tool like CyberChef.

Place the cipher text into the input section and select ROT13 Brute Force. Scroll through the ouput section to see the result of applying all 26 keys.

Caesar Cipher Brute Force

There it is, the key is 25 and the plaintext is unusual stuff.

Using unusual stuff as the credentials gets us to Level 20.

Username: unusual

Password: stuff

Level 20

Level 20 Unfinished, Disregard Below

Level 20 includes an image of a bunch of random symbols, letters, mathematical expressions and the Microsoft Windows logo. The area map can be found over the Windows logo.

Level 20 Image

Level URL -

Image URL -

Clicking On Area Map -

Password Hint: dont mind the lead/pb

Extra Images Found On This Level -



  • If this level is too hard, give up and go away. No don't! Where do you open a door? Click that part in the picture!
  • The popup is telling you to trick it. Maybe use something else than your mouse to get rid of it, so you get the link that it is covering!
  • Stop being negative, will ya? Stop trying to click something, there is nothing! Read the address carefully. What can you "turn on"?
  • Is anything dark here? Light it maybe? How? Got programs for that? Do you see something now? What sort of code could it be?
  • Carefully read the URL. There are at least 2 things that can help you. Found the right thing in google? Stop thinking too difficult, just need 2 words for Username/Password!
  • Make up your mind about the "source code"! Ever heard of ASCII Code?
  • Carefully read the URL. It's telling you what to do.
  • Second song? Which one could it be? Who (or what) is Jay Pack? Say it loud!
  • Now you are on your own. No more help! But keep in mind that all levels are different from each other! It's easy to find cheats on the internet, but from the moment of your first cheating on, the whole fun is gone, stay strong! Don't brag with your level progress, it makes no sense.


Notes relating to the individual levels in the not pron internet riddle (







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