Welcome! This is the release, and source of qRadar for YSFlight.
Demo of YSRADAR v0.0.9 on youtube.
Current version - v0.0.11 DISCLAIMER: I am not a programmer, my code is messy, and got messier as I got more and more tired towards the end of this project!
These are the current features of qRadar:
- Connect to a running YSFlight server
- Show aircraft currently flying on a chart
- Load .fld sceneries from YS as a background map for the chart
- Export the background .fld as a geojson for use in a GIS or for creating:
- Importing user created point and line geojson files as waypoints and flight lines/general lines
- Vectoring tool to get bearings and distances from two mouse clicks
- Aircraft flying list (showing who is currently in the air, their speed and altitude)
- Aircraft info tab - allowing the setting of a custom callsign
- User list - showing who is on the server, whether they're flying, what IFF, and how long they've flown
- Message log and chat window.
Many more being added daily! (Along with the obligatory bug fixes)
(If they work....)
- In app waypoint and line creation (without having to import a geojson)
- Importing the .point and .line files from the original YSRADAR
- PAR (Precision Approach Radar)
- Processing of mod nav features (additional ILSs etc, currently only takes default ones)
- Faster log-in process! Is there a way to bypass the usual YS login? I don't need all the plane lists etc!
Any others, suggest them!
PyQt5 (pip install pyqt5)
PyQtDarkTheme (pip install pyqtdarktheme)
geojson (pip install geojson)
The release under /dist/qRadar.exe is self standing and doesn't have any dependencies.
This code uses QT for GUI
Some icons are from Yusuke Kamiyamane, Licenced under CC BY 3.0
Other icons are from Ionicons.
Written with StackEdit.