Simple class for inscribe data on dogechain using Nbitcoin and C# (Doginals)
- Install Nbitcoin to your project
- Add this class
- Use class for inscribe your data
Example using code:
DogeInscriber inscriber = new DogeInscriber("your_wif_key"); // set you private key from wallet NOT MNEMONIC
Console.WriteLine("Address: " + inscriber.GetAddress());
Console.WriteLine("Private Key: " + inscriber.GetPrivateKey());
// Sync Wallet
await inscriber.SyncWalletAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Balance: " + inscriber.GetBalance().ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC) + " DOGE");
// Data for inscribe
string contentType = "text/plain;charset=utf8";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"p\":\"drc-20\",\"op\":\"mint\",\"tick\":\"oggo\",\"amt\":\"1000\"}");
// Receiver Address
string receiverAddress = "D8zmmd9wRbzk28JQSqzJs1LhjhZHnHrPJW";
// Push Tx to Dogecoin Network
string txid = await inscriber.InscribeAsync(contentType, data, receiverAddress);
Console.WriteLine("TX: " + txid);
Donate: D8zmmd9wRbzk28JQSqzJs1LhjhZHnHrPJW
Telegram: @skr1pt_0