🔭 Universal Mirakurun & EPGStation Desktop Client (Powered by Jetpack Compose Desktop!)
Currently, this project is very experimental. There may be breaking changes. It is not suitable for practical use at the moment.
I'm creating this application for my Compose Desktop learning. The goal is to port TVTest (Win32 application) and re-implement as a universal client like MirakTest, but there is possibility that development will be suspended.
- libvlc の組み込み
- Mirakurun (mirakc), EPGStation API クライアントの実装
- ネイティブビルド (exe, dmg, deb)
- ステータスバーの実装
- サービス (チャンネル) 切り替え
- 音量スライダー
- 主音声/副音声 切り替え
- プラグインシステム
- 実況コメントプラグイン
- Android 対応
- ...
This project requires JDK 16 or above.
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew run
Teleskope uses the following thirdparty projects.
Teleskope is provided under the MIT license, except for some modules in Teleskope.
Module player-component
which uses libvlc (vlcj), and build artifacts are provided under the GPL, version 3 or later.