This fork is a version of SebLague's project, introduced with this video, which has in addition the graphic part concerning 3D. All the new scripts are based on those defined to manage 2D in the original version and have the same name with the addition of the letters "3D". All new files are located inside the "3D" folder except for the new scene in the "scenes" folder.
The part of managing the input with the mouse, selecting and dragging the pieces was done with the help of a raycast.
The part of creating and managing 3D objects is almost identical to that for 2D, except for the coordinates. Being based on existing code, the pieces are instantiated and destroyed with every move.
UPDATE: in addition to the 3D version of the scripts there is a version called "plus" which avoids the continuous cycle of Destroy() and Instance() to manage the pieces. Now, during a game, the prefabs are only moved!