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Slider0007 committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent e97294c commit 5422799
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Showing 2 changed files with 149 additions and 27 deletions.
173 changes: 149 additions & 24 deletions code/components/openmetrics/openmetrics.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,81 @@
#include "../../include/defines.h"

#include <esp_log.h>
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"

#include "MainFlowControl.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "connect_wlan.h"

extern std::string getFwVersion(void);

static const char *TAG = "OPENMETRICS";

* create a singe metric from the given input
* Create a hardware info metric
std::string createHardwareInfoMetric(const std::string &metricNamePrefix)
return "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "hardware_info Hardware info\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "hardware_info info\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "_hardware_info{board_type=\"" + getBoardType() +
"\",chip_model=\"" + getChipModel() +
"\",chip_cores=\"" + std::to_string(getChipCoreCount()) +
"\",chip_revision=\"" + getChipRevision() +
"\",chip_frequency=\"" + std::to_string(esp_clk_cpu_freq()/1000000) +
"\",camera_type=\"" + Camera.getCamType() +
"\",camera_frequency=\"" + std::to_string(Camera.getCamFrequencyMhz()) +
"\",sdcard_capacity=\"" + std::to_string(getSDCardCapacity()) +
"\",sdcard_partition_size=\"" + std::to_string(getSDCardPartitionSize()) + "\"} 1\n";

* Create a network info metric
std::string createNetworkInfoMetric(const std::string &metricNamePrefix)
return "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "network_info Network info\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "network_info info\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "_network_info{hostname=\"" + getHostname() +
"\",ipv4_address=\"" + getIPAddress() +
"\",mac_address=\"" + getMac() + "\"} 1\n";

* Create a firmware info metric
std::string createFirmwareInfoMetric(const std::string &metricNamePrefix)
return "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "firmware_info Firmware info\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "firmware_info info\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "_firmware_info{firmware_version=\"" + getFwVersion() + "\"} 1\n";

* Create heap data metrics
std::string createHeapDataMetric(const std::string &metricNamePrefix)
return "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes Heap info\n" +
"# UNIT " + metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes bytes\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes gauge\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_total_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeTotalFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_internal_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeInternalFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_internal_largest_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeInternalLargestFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_internal_min_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeInternalMinFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_spiram_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeSPIRAMFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_spiram_largest_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeSPIRAMLargestFree()) + "\"\n" +
metricNamePrefix + "heap_info_bytes{heap_spiram_min_free=\"" + std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeSPIRAMMinFree()) + "\"\n";

* Create a generic single metric
std::string createMetric(const std::string &metricName, const std::string &help, const std::string &type, const std::string &value)
Expand All @@ -22,13 +86,27 @@ std::string createMetric(const std::string &metricName, const std::string &help,

* Create a generic single metric with unit
std::string createMetricWithUnit(const std::string &metricName, const std::string &help, const std::string &type,
const std::string &unit, const std::string &value)
return "# HELP " + metricName + "_" + unit + " " + help + "\n" +
"# UNIT " + metricName + "_" + unit + " " + unit + "\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricName + "_" + unit + " " + type + "\n" +
metricName + " " + value + "\n";

* Generate the MetricFamily from all available sequences
* @returns the string containing the text wire format of the MetricFamily
std::string createSequenceMetrics(std::string prefix, const std::vector<NumberPost *> &sequences)
std::string createSequenceMetrics(const std::string &metricNamePrefix, const std::vector<NumberPost *> &sequences)
std::string res;
std::string response = "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "_actual_value actual value of meter\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "_actual_value gauge\n";

for (const auto &sequence : sequences) {
std::string sequenceName = sequence->name;
Expand All @@ -38,15 +116,24 @@ std::string createSequenceMetrics(std::string prefix, const std::vector<NumberPo
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\\", "");
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\"", "");
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\n", "");
res += prefix + "_flow_value{sequence=\"" + sequenceName + "\"} " + sequence->sActualValue + "\n";
response += metricNamePrefix + "_actual_value{sequence=\"" + sequenceName + "\"} " + sequence->sActualValue + "\n";

// prepend metadata if a valid metric was created
if (res.length() > 0) {
res = "# HELP " + prefix + "_flow_value current value of meter readout\n# TYPE " + prefix + "_flow_value gauge\n" + res;
response += "# HELP " + metricNamePrefix + "_rate_per_minute rate per minute of meter\n" +
"# TYPE " + metricNamePrefix + "_rate_per_minute gauge\n";

for (const auto &sequence : sequences) {
std::string sequenceName = sequence->name;

// except newline, double quote, and backslash (
// to keep it simple, these characters are just removed from the label
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\\", "");
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\"", "");
replaceAll(sequenceName, "\n", "");
response += metricNamePrefix + "_rate_per_minute{sequence=\"" + sequenceName + "\"} " + sequence->sRatePerMin + "\n";

return res;
return response;

Expand All @@ -59,11 +146,11 @@ std::string createSequenceMetrics(std::string prefix, const std::vector<NumberPo
* The metric name prefix is 'ai_on_the_edge_device_'.
* example configuration for Prometheus (`prometheus.yml`):
* Example configuration for Prometheus (`prometheus.yml`):
* - job_name: watermeter
* static_configs:
* - targets: ['']
* - targets: ['']
esp_err_t handler_openmetrics(httpd_req_t *req)
Expand All @@ -77,28 +164,66 @@ esp_err_t handler_openmetrics(httpd_req_t *req)
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/plain"); // application/openmetrics-text is not yet supported by prometheus so we use text/plain for now

const std::string metricNamePrefix = "ai_on_the_edge_device";
// Metric name prefix
const std::string metricNamePrefix = "ai_on_the_edge_device_";

// Hardware (board, camera, sd-card) info
std::string response = createHardwareInfoMetric(metricNamePrefix);

// Network info
response += createNetworkInfoMetric(metricNamePrefix);

// Firmware info
response += createFirmwareInfoMetric(metricNamePrefix);

// get current measurement values
std::string response = createSequenceMetrics(metricNamePrefix, flowctrl.getNumbers());
// Device uptime
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "device_uptime", "device uptime in seconds",
"gauge", "seconds", std::to_string((long)getUptime()));

// WLAN signal strength
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "wlan_rssi", "WLAN signal strength in dBm",
"gauge", "dBm", std::to_string(get_WIFI_RSSI()));

// CPU temperature
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "_cpu_temperature_celsius", "current cpu temperature in celsius", "gauge", std::to_string((int)getSOCTemperature()));
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "chip_temp", "CPU temperature in celsius",
"gauge", "celsius", std::to_string((int)getSOCTemperature()));

// Heap data
response += createHeapDataMetric(metricNamePrefix);

// SD card partition free
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "sd_partition_free", "Free SD partition size in bytes",
"gauge", "bytes", std::to_string(getSDCardFreePartitionSpace()));

// Process status
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "process_status", "Device process status",
"gauge", getProcessStatus());

// Process state
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "process_state", "Actual processing step",
"gauge", flowctrl.getActStatus());

// Process error state
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "process_error", "Process error state",
"counter", std::to_string(flowctrl.getFlowStateErrorOrDeviation()));

// WiFi signal strength
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "_rssi_dbm", "current WiFi signal strength in dBm", "gauge", std::to_string(get_WIFI_RSSI()));
// Processing interval
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "process_interval", "processing interval",
"counter", "seconds", to_stringWithPrecision(flowctrl.getProcessInterval(), 1));

// memory info
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "_memory_heap_free_bytes", "available heap memory", "gauge", std::to_string(getESPHeapSizeTotalFree()));
// Processing time
response += createMetricWithUnit(metricNamePrefix + "process_time", "processing time of one cycle",
"counter", "seconds", std::to_string(getFlowProcessingTime()));

// device uptime
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "_uptime_seconds", "device uptime in seconds", "gauge", std::to_string((long)getUptime()));
// Process cycles
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "cycle_counter", "process cycles since device startup",
"counter", std::to_string(getFlowCycleCounter()));

// data aquisition round
response += createMetric(metricNamePrefix + "_cycles_total", "data aquisition cycles since device startup", "counter", std::to_string(getFlowCycleCounter()));
// Actual measurement values
response += createSequenceMetrics(metricNamePrefix, flowctrl.getNumbers());

// the response always contains at least the metadata (HELP, TYPE) for the MetricFamily so no length check is needed
httpd_resp_send(req, response.c_str(), response.length());
// The response always contains at least the metadata (HELP, TYPE) for the MetricFamily so no length check is needed
httpd_resp_sendstr(req, response.c_str());

return ESP_OK;
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions code/components/openmetrics/openmetrics.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@

#include "ClassFlowDefineTypes.h"

std::string createMetric(const std::string &metricName, const std::string &help, const std::string &type, const std::string &value);
std::string createSequenceMetrics(std::string prefix, const std::vector<NumberPost *> &numbers);

void register_openmetrics_uri(httpd_handle_t server);


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