Program for those who want to show left time for speakers. Mainly created for Jehovah’s Witnesses but the flexibility allows to use it in other purposes.
- Built-in voice recorder (with autostart option)
- The fast download of a schedule
- Simple and useful widget
- Rich config
- Ability to send time to a server ex. 7seg display built with raspberry pi
- Portable (doesn't need any installation)
- Constantly supported
- Install git -
- Open git console in the destination folder.
- Paste into a console:
git clone
- Import project file into your IDE:
- For IntelliJ IDEA (
- File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources...
- Find and select the main pom.xml file in a project
- Configure new project (most options should be left default)
- For IntelliJ IDEA (
- Download newest version of xt-audio -
- Unpack files.
- Enter into folder java-xt
- Copy folders: linux-x64, linux-x86, win32-x64, win32-x86
- Paste it into folder: recorder\src\main\resources.
- In your IDE mark the folder "resources" as a resources root.
Please remember that those files (in their folders) must be in the same folder is your exported jar.
- Improved code quality
- Completely new user interface
- Compatibility with MacOS
- Compatibility with Linux
- Unpacking and loading of libraries of xt-audio in runtime
- Config editor with a user interface
- Mechanism of plugins
+--config/ Module with code to handle config files
+--custom_view/ New elements for JavaFx UI
+--logger/ Simple logger
+--recorder/ Module provides ability to record voice
+--schedule_downloader/ Allows to download schedule from web from different source
+--domain/ Bussiness logic and abstraction
+--data/ Module provides handler for files (recording, config etc.)
+--device/ Layer betweeen bussiness logic and hardware + http server communication
+--javafx/ Visual presentation of the program
+--config_editor/ Future feature - visual editor of config
+--control_panel/ Main program with the main class :)
+--pom.xml The main maven build script