Dictionary used in mono
Dictionary<void*, void*> *get_Players(){
// public static Dictionary<Transform, vp_MPNetworkPlayer> get_Players() { }
// Dictionary<void*, void*> *get_Players() = (Dictionary<int, void*> *(*)())getRealOffset(0x0);
return reinterpret_cast<Dictionary<void*, void*> *(*)()>(0x0)();
Dictionary<int, void*> *get_PlayersByID(){
// public static Dictionary<int, vp_MPNetworkPlayer> get_PlayersByID() { }
// Dictionary<int, void*> *_get_PlayersByID() = (Dictionary<int, void*> *(*)())getRealOffset(0x0);
return reinterpret_cast<Dictionary<int, void*> *(*)()>(0x0)();
Dictionary<int, void*>::KeyCollection *get_IDs(){
// public static Dictionary.KeyCollection<int, vp_MPNetworkPlayer> get_IDs() { }
// Dictionary<int, void*>::KeyCollection *_get_IDs() = (Dictionary<int, void*>::KeyCollection *(*)())getRealOffset(0x0);
return reinterpret_cast<Dictionary<int, void*>::KeyCollection *(*)()>(0x0)();
void setup(){
// Methods Demo
auto PlayersByID = get_PlayersByID();
auto PlayerValues = PlayersByID->get_Values();
auto PlayerKeys = PlayersByID->get_Keys();
for(int i = 0; i < PlayersByID->count; i++){
// Key: int value: vp_MPNetworkPlayer
auto key = PlayerKeys[i];
auto player = PlayerValues[i];
Key to search can be any type
Use the key to get a single Item from dict
returns a player with that matching key
auto gayPlayer = (*PlayersByID)[key];
auto Players = get_Players();
auto PlayerValues = Players->get_Values();
auto PlayerKeys = Players->get_Keys();
for(int i = 0; i < Players->count; i++){
// Key: Transform value: vp_MPNetworkPlayer
auto key = PlayerKeys[i];
auto player = PlayerValues[i];
Key to search can be any type
Use the key to get a single Item from dict
returns a player with that matching key
auto gayPlayer = (*Players)[key];
auto p_ids = get_IDs();
auto p_idsDictionary = p_ids->dictionary;
for (int i = 0; i < p_idsDictionary->count; i++){
// Im pretty sure this only contains keys soooo yea GL
auto key = p_idsDictionary->get_Keys()[i];
// Fields Demo
// protected static Dictionary<Transform, vp_MPNetworkPlayer> m_Players; // 0x0
// protected static Dictionary<int, vp_MPNetworkPlayer> m_PlayersByID; // 0x8
auto m_Players = *(Dictionary<void*, void*> **)((uint64_t)_this + 0x0 );
auto m_PlayerValues = m_Players->get_Values();
auto m_PlayerKeys = m_Players->get_Keys();
// Lets loop through the keys and use the keys to get the values we want
// You can use [get_Count or count]
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlayerKeys.get_Count(); i++){
void* key = m_PlayerKeys[i];
void* value = (*m_PlayerValues)[key];
// Do stuff with these values
// Easy right have fun modding :)
- shmoo (monoArray)
- Me (Rednick16->Dictionary)