- Don't count on chaz' peeps anymore
- We need to define an acknowledge telemetry packet
- We will send data one chunk at a time after boom deployment
- I'm thinking about changing the meeting time to a time when more people are available. Thoughts?
- What do you plan to do before this meeting?
- Carson:
- Work on packing telemetry through python
- Shawn:
- Rachael:
- Scott:
- documentation for camera
- testing for boom deployment
- Philip:
- Putting ADC on i2
- Adam:
- Document UV and CPU temp sensor
- Alex:
- Radio Driver work with chaz' peeps and Rachael
- Carson:
What did you do since the last meeting?
- Carson:
- Shawn:
- Rachael:
- Scott:
- Philip:
- Adam: Documentation for uvsensor and cpu temp done and pushed
- Alex:
What are you currently or anticipating having trouble with?
- Carson:
- Shawn:
- Rachael:
- Scott:
- Philip:
- Adam:
- Alex:
What do you plan to do before the next meeting?
- Carson:
- Shawn:
- Rachael:
- Scott:
- Philip:
- Adam:
- Alex:
- Ask Adam about cpu temp thing
- 10 bit vs 12 bit ADC, 10 bit is easier for us, which do we need? - The two adcs are different in pin layout and one is surface mount while the other is through hole. Since the boards have already been ordered we have to use the 12bit one they were designed for