A convenient java library for writing and reading HAR
allows to append entries over time. Once no more entry needs to be added closeHar()
needs to be called explicitly.
// Create HarStreamWriter if you want to append entries over time
HarStreamWriter harWriter = new DefaultHarStreamWriter.Builder().withOutputFile(new File("log.har")).withUsePrettyPrint(true).build();
// Create the entry model with request/response and other mandatory fields
HarRequest harRequest = new HarRequestBuilder().withMethod("GET").withUrl("http://smartbear/resource").withHttpVersion("HTTP/1.1").build();
HarResponse harResponse = new HarResponseBuilder().build();
// Add the entry
harWriter.addEntry(new HarEntryBuilder().withRequest(harRequest).withResponse(harResponse).build());
// finally close the HAR