Create and verify hash values for contents of entire directories in parallel with PySpark.
This is tool is design to run on the sdil-platform.
Original Authors: Gunnar Hartung / Niklas Baumstark
Current Authors: Björn Jürgens / Dr. Till Riedel
First build the Scala component:
$ cd /path/to/dirhash
$ mvn package
You may want to install the pysha3 and/or pyblake2 module from PyPI:
$ pip install pysha3 pyblake2
$ ./ hdfs://localhost/tmp/input-text 2>/dev/null
read the help-message:
$ spark-submit --help 2>/dev/null
Optional: You may want to install the pysha3 and/or pyblake2 module from PyPI:
$ pip install pysha3 pyblake2
But these need to be available on the spark-workers, otherwise everything will break
use your local IDE to work directly on sdil files:
sudo apt install sshfs
sshfs <user> ~/sdil/
run code on sdil:
# connect to spark-machine (which is not visible from outside)
ssh <user>
ssh <user>
# setup project
mkdir dev && cd dev
git clone
pip install --user pysha3 pyblake2
# run code
cd ~/dev/dirhash/
docker build -t dirh .
docker run -it -v (realpath .)/test/data/:/hash_this dirh
expectd output v1:sha256:128M:aa669dcefba57e01bd7ff0526a0001d2118f06adc8106d265b5743b0ee90084f
debugging dockerfile
docker build -t dirh .
docker run -it -v (realpath .)/test/data/:/hash_this dirh bash
# test spark:
./bin/run-example SparkPi 10
# test dirhash:
spark-submit --jars `pwd`/target/sparkhacks-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /hash_this/
# run as python:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/pyspark --jars `pwd`/target/sparkhacks-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# import dirhash
# hash_value = dirhash.hash_directory('/hash_this', 'sha256', '128M', SparkContext.getOrCreate() )
# todo: run as python
# python
# import dirhash
# hash_value = dirhash.hash_directory('/dirhash', 'sha256', '128M' )