conda create --name NeuralNetworksAndDeepLearning
conda activate NeuralNetworksAndDeepLearning
conda install mkl-service
conda install mkl
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel nbconvert
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=NNaDL
NNaDL = Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Switch to NNaDL kernel in Jupyter Notebook
1. Basic matrix operations in NumPy. Visualization of weights of the neural network. View
- implementation of the sigmoid activation function
- implementation of the feed forward operation in one-layer neural network
- visualization of weights of the neural network
2. Visualizations and classification based on MNIST - digits dataset. View
- visualizations of the distribution of MNIST digits
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - 2D and 3D (plotly)
- T-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (T-SNE)
- Classification using SVM
- Analysis of confusion matrix
- boolean indexing in NumPy
3. Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Contrastive Divergence algorithm. View
- Restricted Boltzmann Machine
- Contrastive Divergence algorithm
- Gibbs sampling
- Stochastic gradient descent
4. Evaluation and comparison of CDk and PCD algorithms. View
- Implementation of Persistent Contrastive Divergence algorithm
- Comparision of RBM's training algorithms based on MNIST dataset
5. Training RBM with Momentum and Introduction to DBNs (Deep Belief Networks). View
- RBM training with Momentum - modification of classical SGD algorithm
- DBN greedy layer-wise training
- DBN sampling
6. Backpropagation algorithm. View
- Two phases of the algorithm: forward pass and error backpropagation
- MLP training with Backpropagation and minibatched variant of SGD
7. L1L2 Regularization and initialization of MLP weights. View
- L1 and L2 regularization
- MLP pre-training using DBN
- Comparison of results of plan MLP and pre-trained MLP
8. ReLU activation function and Max-Norm Regularization. View
- Changing Sigmoid to ReLU activation function
- Max-Norm Reguralization. Introduction of competitive weights
- Initializing MLP with DBN weights
9. Dropout Regularization. View
10. Autoencoder. View
- Autoencoder initialization with DBN weights
- Autoencoder training