Releases: SmithEcophysLab/optimal_vcmax_R
Optimal Vcmax version 3.2.1
This version fixes a comma bug from 3.2 in the 'calc_optimal_vcmax.R' script
Optimal Vcmax version 3.2
Version 3.2 adds stomatal conductance calculations to the calculate_optimal_vcmax.R script
New release of code to correspond with Ode et al.
Optimal Vcmax version 3.0
Version 3.0 of the optimal Vcmax model with options for C3/C4, leaf N, and LMA.
Version 2.1 of the optimal Vcmax code. Includes minor bug fixes to the calc_nstar function.
The notable change to this version is a restructuring of the temperature response of the term that describes the quantum efficiency of photosystem II (q0 in the model). The formulation now follows that of Bernacchi et al. (2003).
Optimal Vcmax model corresponding to Smith et al. (2019) Ecology Letters paper.
The model has been updated to include some minor bug fixes.
R model for calculating optimal Vcmax as in Smith et al. Photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment. Ecology Letters.
This version includes some minor bug fixes.
Revised version of R model for calculating optimal Vcmax as in Smith et al. Photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment. Ecology Letters.
Model code for determining optimal maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax) as in Smith et al. Photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment. Ecology Letters.