diff --git a/include/lookup/.cproject b/include/lookup/.cproject
deleted file mode 100644
index fadcdf6..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/.cproject
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2b9148d..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- lookup
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder
- clean,
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder
- full,incremental,
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.managedBuildNature
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigNature
diff --git a/include/lookup/.settings/language.settings.xml b/include/lookup/.settings/language.settings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 397ef46..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/.settings/language.settings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/include/lookup/Makefile b/include/lookup/Makefile
deleted file mode 100755
index f73db0c..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Load the common Makefile definitions...
-include $(GLOBALINC)/setup.mk
-LOOKUPSVC = $(OBJ)/lookup_svc.o $(OBJ)/lookup_xdr.o $(TCPUTIL)
-GENHEADERS = $(RPC)/lookup.h
-# Top level make targets...
-all: $(BIN)/lookup $(BIN)/lookupd
-.PHONY: lookup
-lookup: $(BIN)/lookup
-$(BIN)/lookup : LDFLAGS += -lpopt
-$(BIN)/lookup : $(OBJ)/lookupClient.o $(OBJ)/lookup.o $(SMASH) $(SIMPLE_ASTROMETRY) $(RPC_LOOKUP)
-.PHONY: lookupd
-lookupd: $(BIN)/lookupd
-$(BIN)/lookupd : LDFLAGS += -lsystemd $(THREADS)
-$(BIN)/lookupd : $(OBJ)/lookupService.o $(OBJ)/lookup.o $(PROCLOCK) $(LOOKUPSVC) $(EPHEM_ASTROMETRY)
-# Default targets / rules / and dependencies...
-include $(GLOBALINC)/recipes.mk
diff --git a/include/lookup/include/lookup.h b/include/lookup/include/lookup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e80cd9..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/include/lookup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * lookup.h
- *
- * Created on: Aug 14, 2018
- * Author: Attila Kovacs
- */
-#include "astrometry.h"
-#include "rpc/lookup.h"
-#define LOOKUP_HOST "lookup"
-CLIENT *createLookupClient(const char *serverName);
-char *setSourceProperties(LQTargetProperties *p, TargetDefinition *source);
-char *lookupSource(const char *name, LQTargetProperties *p);
-void setUserSource(const char *sourceName, const EquatorialCoordinates *eq, double pmra, double pmdec, TargetDefinition *source);
-EquatorialCoordinates *lookupICRS(const char *serverName, const char *name, LQSite *site, double tjd, boolean *isSolarSystem);
-int isMPCNovasID(short id);
-#endif /* INCLUDE_LOOKUP_H_ */
diff --git a/include/lookup/jpl/README.md b/include/lookup/jpl/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f6581..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/jpl/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Using JPL Horizons Ephemeris data at the SMA
-Attila Kovacs
-2020 June 17
-## Introduction
-JPL Horizons, and the corresponding CSPICE library, are the most widely used
-tools to track the orbits of Solar System objects, such as planets, moons,
-asteroids, and comets.
-By default the Haystack tracking system (really, the 'lookupd' server) uses
-CSPICE and a set of default SPICE kernels for observing planets, their
-moons, and 300 major asteroids. However, it does not stop there. Haysatck
-allows to add JPL ephemeris data beyond its standard set of Solar System
-objects. This document describes how such data may be generated and used
-with the SMA.
-## Obtaining JPL/Horizons Ephemeris data
- 1. Connect to Horizons via telnet:
- ```
- > telnet horizons.jpl.nasa.gov 6775
- ```
- Refer to the instructions at: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons#telnet
- 2. Search for you object, by name or NAIF id (`DES=`). Your
- search may return multiple matches, you must select the correct entry.
- Once your object is identified, you'll see an object summary. You may
- want to note the physical radius of the object ("`RAD=`"), and the
- solution number (e.g. `sol ref.= JPL#41`). Sometimes the same object
- (especially comets) will have multiple JPL records, each with a different
- solution number. You should find and proceed with the most up-to-date
- one...
- 3. At the bottom of the object summary you must select '__S__' (for
- `[S]PK`). This is the ephemeris data format that will feed into the
- CSPICE library that supports Horizons object tracking at the SMA.
- Note the NAIF ID (a.k.a `SPK object ID`) reported back to you on the line
- immediately after your selection, e.g. as:
- ```
- Assigned SPK object ID: 02000001
- ```
- This is the ID that the JPL SPICE library will use internally to refer
- to this object. You will need it later...
- 4. Next you answer a series of questions. Horizons tends to evolve their
- service, so the order and exact form of questions may vary over time.
- When it asks:
- ```
- SPK file format [Binary, ASCII, 1, ?] :
- ```
- enter __binary__. You may add more than one object into a binary SPK
- file (if you want to) or keep separate files for each object. Once done,
- you will get a temporary FTP download link shown to you, e.g.:
- ```
- You have 10 minutes to retrieve the following by anonymous FTP:
- ```
- and further below it the link:
- ```
- Full path : ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/ssd/wld23961.15
- ```
- 5. Log into with your SMA account into one of the summit machines (e.g.
- obscon), and type:
- ```
- wget
- ```
- with the JPL supplied FTP path (see above) in place of `` to
- download the ephemeris data file into your home directory.
-## Activating JPL/Horizons Ephemeris data at the SMA
- 1. Copy/move your binary SPK ephemeris file into an accesible location for
- the lookupd server. The recommended location is in:
- ```
- /ephem/
- ```
- Please name you file in a way that allows easy identification of its
- contents. The recommended naming scheme for user-added ephemeris
- files is:
- ```
- ...bsp
- ```
- Where `` is the SMA object name (see more on that below), followed
- by the start and end dates for the ephemeris data. `.bsp` is the
- standard extension for JPL/Horizons binary ephemeris data.
- When you obtain the ephemeris from JPL, do take note of the NAIF id
- number of your object (you will need it later) and the physical radius
- (not really needed, but may be useful).
- 2. Register your file with the Haystack 'lookup' server by editing:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/spiceKernels.conf
- ```
- Simply add the full path to your `.bsp` file as a new line in this
- file. This will enable loading the ephemeris data in the future.
- 3. Assign an SMA object name to your source. Haystack names should have only
- lowercase letters and numbers and/or hypens and underscores. No spaces
- or special characters are allowed. The name you choose is how the
- SMA realtime system (and the observing scripts) will refer to your
- object. Once you decided on the name, edit:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/solarSystemIDs.dat
- ```
- This file simply contains name/NAIF id associations. So, add a line
- with your chosen SMA name (case insensitive) and the NAIF ID number of
- your object. This step will associate a object's data in your `.bsp`
- file with your chosen name.
- If you don't know what's the NAIF ID of object, you can find it out
- using the `brief` tool of cspice (installed in `/usr/local/bin/cspice`
- on the lookupd server), e.g.:
- ```
- brief /ephem/phaethon.bsp
- ```
- The result will show a line:
- ```
- Body: 2003200
- ```
- i.e., Phaeton's NAIF ID is 2003200.
- 4. (Optional) If you know the approximate size of your object, you may
- enter it into
- ```
- /etc/lookup/solarSystemRadii.dat
- ```
- using your chosen source name followed by the radius in km in a new
- line. Specifying a raduis is not at all necessary, but if you do, you
- may use `lookup` with the `-F` option to get estimated fluxes for your
- object at the specified frequency (GHz).
- 5. Now you can load your ephemeris into the system by typing:
- ```
- > lookup -c
- ```
- on a Haystack operataing console or the lookup server machine.
- 6. Verify that you ephemeris has been loaded. Try
- ```
- > lookup -s -P -T
- ```
- With your chosen object name in place of ``. You should see a
- summary of your object's properties, followed by a its current tracking
- information (instantaneous position and movement).
-## Cleaning up
- Please do not let your JPL ephemerides linger longer than necessary. Once
- you are done using them, please remove (or comment out) any entries you
- generated in:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/spiceKernels.conf
- ```
- or in:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/solarSystemRadii.dat
- ```
- and move the ephemeris data to:
- ```
- /ephem/old/
- ```
- (they are useless outside of their time range anyway...).
-(C)2020 Attila Kovács
diff --git a/include/lookup/lookupd.service b/include/lookup/lookupd.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 8396707..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/lookupd.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=Haystack catalog and ephemeris source lookup service.
-After=network-online.target rpcbind.service
diff --git a/include/lookup/mpc/README.md b/include/lookup/mpc/README.md
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index 9d65ea0..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/mpc/README.md
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@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Minor Planet Center Ephemerides
-Attila Kovacs
-2020 June 17
-## Introduction
- This document describes how to generate and use ephemerides from the Minor
- Planet Center at .
-## Getting ephemerides from the Minor Planet Center
- Start by filling out the form query form for the Minor Planets & Comet
- Ephemeris Service site at:
- https://minorplanetcenter.net//iau/MPEph/MPEph.html
- Please follow the following instructions:
- 1. Check _Return ephemerides_
- 2. Enter object name or designation, e.g. `C/2017 K2` or `CK17020`, in the
- search box below. Do __NOT__ enter more than one object per query (we
- require single-object ephemeris files).
- 3. Ephemeris Options:
- * Enter _start date_, e.g. `2020 07 01`, and _Number of dates to
- output_. This is the total number of data points returned. So if you
- want data for 100 days at 1 hour resolution (see below), then you
- would enter `2400` here.
- * Select _Ephemeris interval_: __3__ _hours_ is generally recommended.
- You may use shorter intervals for near-Earth object, or longer ones
- in the outer Solar-system. (Our software will apply cubic spline
- interpolation in-between data points, so it is expected to be accurate
- even if the ephemeris sampling is relatively sparse -- E.g. for a belt
- asteroid 1 day interval is accurate to a few tens of milliarcseconds.)
- * Enter _Observatory code_: __254__ (Haystack, Westford).
- * __IMPORTANT!__: For _Display R.A./Decl. positions_ select:
- _heliocentric position/velocity vector_. Below it select _Total motion
- and direction_. (The _Display motions as_ selection below will not be
- used, and is therefore irrelevant).
- * Do not check the boxes below (i.e. don't suppress output).
- * Finally, for _Format for elements output_, select _none_.
- 4. Press the __[Get ephemerides/HTML page]__ button.
- 5. Select the output table lines starting from:
- ```
- VECTORS: Heliocentric vectors/AU
- ```
- and below, and copy/paste them to a file. This will be the file that the
- SMA will use for tracking your object. The recommended naming scheme is:
- ```
- ...mpc
- ```
- where `` is the simplified name of the object (numbers and
- letters only, no symbols or punctuation, underscores and dashes are OK),
- followed by the start date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, followed by the
- number of days the ephemeris was generated for. E.g.:
- ```
- C2017K2.2020-07-01.90.mpc
- ```
-## Activating MPC ephemerides at Haystack
- 1. Copy the ephemeris file you obtained from the Minor Planet Center
- Ephemeris Service to the lookup server machone, such as into
- (may:
- ```
- /ephem/
- ```
- 2. Edit the file:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/mpc-ephem.cat
- ```
- Add a new line in the following format
- ```
- ```
- Where `` is how you want this object referred to in the Haystack
- system (prefer all lowercase, letters and numbers only, no spaces or
- special characters, hyphens and underscores OK), and ``
- is the fully qualified path name to the ephemeris file on the
- Haystack lookup server. E.g.
- ```
- c2017k2 /ephem/C2017K2.2020-07-01.90.mpc
- ```
- 3. (Optional) If you want to enter a radius for this object, you
- can add a line to:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/solarSystemRadii.dat
- ```
- With the same name as above (case insensitive), and radius in
- km. The only reason to add radius is if you want lookup to be
- able to estimate apparent size and approximate brighness.
- 4. To load the information type:
- ```
- > lookup -c
- ```
- on a summit realtime machine (e.g. `obscon` or `hal9000`).
- 5. Check that your new Minor Planet ephemeris is now
- available:
- ```
- > lookup -s c2017k2 -p -T
- ```
- (Use your object name in place of `c2017k2`).
-## Cleaning up
- Please do not let your MPC ephemerides linger longer than necessary. Once
- you are done using them, please remove (or comment out) any entries you
- generated in:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/mpc-ephem.cat
- ```
- or in:
- ```
- /etc/lookup/solarSystemRadii.dat
- ```
- and move the the ephemeris data to:
- ```
- /ephem/old/
- ```
- (they are useless outside of their time range anyway...).
-(C)2020 Attila Kovács
diff --git a/include/lookup/mpc/mpc-ephem.cat b/include/lookup/mpc/mpc-ephem.cat
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a717d8..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/mpc/mpc-ephem.cat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# SMA Minor Planet Center Ephemeris catalog file
-# This file should be available on the SMA realtime network as
-# /global/catalogs/mpc-ephem.cat.
-# The file lists the Minor Planet center files and associated SMA target
-# names, one per line, in the format:
-# Names should contain lower-case letters and numbers only. No spaces or
-# special characters (but hyphens and underscores are allowed).
-# Paths should be fully qualified path names to the ephemeris data files
-# as accessible by the lookup server (currently on hcn). It is recommended
-# that you put MPC ephemeris files into:
-# /data/operations/ephemeris
-# and name them with object name, start date and duration days, with .mpc as
-# an extension, e.g.:
-# /data/operations/ephemeris/c2017k2.2020-06-01.90.mpc
-# Please consult the documentation for how to obtain suitable epehemrides
-# from the Minor Planet Center to use with the SMA realtime system.
diff --git a/include/lookup/src/lookup.c b/include/lookup/src/lookup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e38dfb..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/src/lookup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- *
- * @date Created on: Aug 14, 2018
- * @author Attila Kovacs
- *
- * @brief A collection of functions to for simplified interfacing with an RPC source lookup service.
- */
-#include "astrometry.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "position.h"
-#include "coreutil.h"
-#include "rpcutil.h"
- * Creates a TCP/IP connection to the RPC service on a specific lookup server
- *
- * @param serverName Name or IP address of the lookup server
- * @return The RPC client handle, or NULL if the connection could not be established.
- */
-CLIENT *createLookupClient(const char *serverName) {
- return rpc_connect(serverName, LOOKUPPROG, LOOKUPVERS, LOOKUP_PROTOCOL, 0);
- * Translates the source properties obtained from a lookup query to a target definition
- * that is used for specified a source for observing.
- *
- * @param[in] p The source properties as returned by a lookup query
- * @param[out] source The translated source properties for observing
- * @return NULL if successful, or else an error message.
- */
-char *setSourceProperties(LQTargetProperties *p, TargetDefinition *source) {
- memset(source, 0, sizeof(TargetDefinition));
- tokenFrom(p->name, source->name, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH);
- toLowerCase(source->name);
- if(p->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) return p->status.message;
- source->isSolarSystem = p->isSolarSystem.value;
- if(source->isSolarSystem) {
- reportInfo("Selecting solar system source");
- source->object.type = NOVAS_TYPE_PLANET;
- tokenFrom(source->object.name, source->name, SIZE_OF_OBJ_NAME);
- source->object.number = p->novasID;
- source->NAIF = p->NAIF;
- source->diameter = p->diameter;
- // Clear the catalog coordinates. These will be set to the apparent values...
- resetEquatorial(&source->catalog);
- resetEquatorial(&source->properMotion);
- reportDetail("Planet: ID=%d", source->object.number);
- }
- else {
- reportInfo("Selecting catalog source...");
- source->object.type = NOVAS_TYPE_EXTRASOLAR;
- source->catalog.ra = p->catalogCoords.RA / HOURANGLE;
- source->catalog.dec = p->catalogCoords.Dec / DEGREE;
- source->catalog.epoch = p->catalogCoords.epoch;
- source->catalog.cosDEC = cos(p->catalogCoords.Dec);
- source->properMotion.ra = p->properMotion.RA; // mas/yr
- source->properMotion.dec = p->properMotion.Dec; // mas/yr
- source->properMotion.epoch = p->properMotion.epoch;
- source->properMotion.cosDEC = source->catalog.cosDEC;
- reportDetail("Catalog: RA=%.3f h DEC=%.2f d (%.1f)", source->catalog.ra, source->catalog.dec, source->catalog.epoch);
- reportDetail("PMR: RA=%.3f DEC=%.3f [mas/yr]", source->properMotion.ra, source->properMotion.dec);
- }
- if(p->status.errorLevel != LQ_SUCCESS) {
- reportDebug("setSourceProperties(): %s", p->status.message);
- return p->status.message;
- }
- return NULL;
- * Populates a target definition for observing with a data from user-specified source.
- *
- * \param sourceName The name designation for the source
- * \param eq Pointer to the equatorial coordinates to set (hours/degrees)
- * \param pmra Proper motion in RA (mas/year)
- * \param pmdec Proper motion in DEC (mas/year)
- * \param source Pointer to the returned source definition structure.
- */
-void setUserSource(const char *sourceName, const EquatorialCoordinates *eq, double pmra, double pmdec, TargetDefinition *source) {
- reportInfo("Selecting user-specified source.");
- memset(source, 0, sizeof(TargetDefinition));
- source->isUserSpecified = TRUE;
- tokenFrom(sourceName, source->name, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH); // Ignore padding...
- source->catalog = *eq;
- source->catalog.cosDEC = cos(source->catalog.dec * DEGREE);
- source->properMotion.ra = pmra; // mas/yr
- source->properMotion.dec = pmdec; // mas/yr
- source->properMotion.cosDEC = source->catalog.cosDEC;
- source->properMotion.epoch = source->catalog.epoch;
- reportDetail("User: RA=%.2f h DEC=%.1f d (%.1f)", source->catalog.ra, source->catalog.dec, source->catalog.epoch);
- * Checks if a NOVAS ID denotes a Minor Planet Center (MPC) object.
- *
- * \param NOVAS solar system body ID number.
- *
- * \return TRUE if it belongs to an MPC object, otherwise FALSE.
- */
-int isMPCNovasID(short id) {
- return id < 0;
- * Uses the lookup server to get catalog or ephemeris source information, returning
- * the essential source properties that may be used to query current track information.
- *
- * @param[i] name The name of the source as defined in the catalog or ephemeris.
- * @param[out] p Pointer to the properties structure to fill with the source information
- * @return NULL if successful, or else a descriptive error message.
- */
-char *lookupSource(const char *name, LQTargetProperties *p) {
- LQTargetLookupParms query = {};
- LQTargetProperties *lp;
- CLIENT *cl;
- if(!name) return "Input source name is NULL";
- if(!name[0]) return "Input source name is empty";
- if(!p) return "LQTargetProperties argument is NULL";
- tokenFrom(name, query.sourceName, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH);
- toLowerCase(query.sourceName);
- cl = createLookupClient(LOOKUP_SERVER);
- if(cl == NULL) return "lookupd server RPC connection failed.";
- lp = get_target_properties_1(&query, cl);
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(lp == NULL) return "lookupd replied NULL";
- if(lp->status.errorLevel >= LQ_ERROR) return lp->status.message[0] ? lp->status.message : "lookup returned an error";
- *p = *lp;
- return NULL;
- * Uses the lookup server to get ICRS coordinates and velocity information for the requested source.
- *
- * @param[in] serverName The name or IP address of the lookup server to use.
- * @param[in] name The catalog or SPICE name of the source.
- * @param[in] site The observer's location on Earth.
- * @param[in] tjd Julian Date for which to get coordinates (or 0.0 for now)
- * @param[out] isSolarSystem Pointer to boolean in which to return whether source is a Solar-system body. This has
- * meaning for the radial velocity component of the returned coordinates, which is
- * topocentric for Solar-system objects, and LSR for everything else.
- * @return (rad, km/s) the ICRS equatorial coordinates and velovity of the named object, or NULL if the
- * source was not found (errno = 0) or if there was an error (errno is set as appropriate).
- */
-EquatorialCoordinates *lookupICRS(const char *serverName, const char *name, LQSite *site,double tjd, boolean *isSolarSystem) {
- CLIENT *cl;
- LQNameLookupParms p = {{'\0'}};
- LQResult *res;
- EquatorialCoordinates *eq;
- if(!name) {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!name[0]) {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!isSolarSystem) {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- *isSolarSystem = FALSE;
- strncpy(p.sourceName, name, sizeof(p.sourceName) - 1);
- p.query.tjd = tjd;
- cl = createLookupClient(serverName);
- if(!cl) return NULL;
- res = lookup_by_name_1(&p, cl);
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(!res) {
- reportError("Lookup server returned NULL (timeout?)");
- return NULL;
- }
- if(res->status.errorLevel != LQ_SUCCESS) {
- if(res->status.errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) reportError("Lookup warning: %s", res->status.message);
- reportError("Lookup error: %s", res->status.message);
- return NULL;
- }
- eq = (EquatorialCoordinates *) calloc(1, sizeof(*eq));
- if(!eq) {
- perror("ERROR! lookupICRS(): alloc of equatorial coordinates");
- return NULL;
- }
- eq->ra = res->source.catalogCoords.RA;
- eq->dec = res->source.catalogCoords.Dec;
- eq->cosDEC = cos(eq->dec);
- eq->epoch = 2000.0;
- eq->radialVelocity = res->source.radialVelocity; // (km/s)
- *isSolarSystem = res->source.isSolarSystem.value;
- return eq;
diff --git a/include/lookup/src/lookupClient.c b/include/lookup/src/lookupClient.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fad5b0..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/src/lookupClient.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- *
- * @date Created on: Nov 13, 2017
- * @author Attila Kovacs
- *
- *
- * A client-side program to lookupd, providing command-line user access to catalog and ephemeris
- * source lookup.
- */
-#include "astrometry.h"
-#include "catalog.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "position.h"
-#include "timeutil.h"
-#include "mpcephem.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "haystack.h"
-#include "rpcutil.h"
-// Local function prototypes -------------->
-static CLIENT *createClient();
-static void setQuerySite(LQSite *site);
-static LQResult *lookupByName(const char *name, double dRA, double dDEC, double tjd, boolean isOptical);
-static LQResult *lookupByCoordinates(EquatorialCoordinates *eq, double dRA, double dDEC, const EquatorialCoordinates *properMotion, double tjd, boolean isOptical);
-static LQTrackSegment *getSiderealTrack(LQEquatorialCoords *eq, const LQEquatorialCoords *properMotion, double radialVelocity);
-static LQTrackSegment *getSolarSystemTrack(LQTargetProperties *p, double dRA, double dDEC);
-static LQIllumination *getIllumination(const LQTargetProperties *p, double tjd);
-static void reloadServerConfig();
-static void printTimes(const LQSiteResult *result, double latitude);
-static void printTargetProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p);
-static void printTrackSegment(const LQTrackSegment *t);
-static void printSolarSystemProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p);
-static void printSiderealProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p);
-static void printFluxData(const LQIllumination *illum, double diameterKM, double fGHZ);
-static void hhmm(double time, char *buf);
-static char *lookupServer = LOOKUP_SERVER;
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
- LQResult *result;
- const LQSiteResult *local;
- char *timeSpec;
- char c;
- boolean hasTime = FALSE;
- boolean isOptical = FALSE;
- boolean showTimes = FALSE;
- boolean showProperties = FALSE;
- boolean showTrack = FALSE;
- boolean showFlux = FALSE;
- char *sourceName = NULL, *raString = NULL, *decString = NULL;
- EquatorialCoordinates equatorial, properMotion;
- double dRA = 0.0, dDEC = 0.0;
- double fGHZ = 0.0;
- int n;
- struct tm date;
- double tjd;
- const struct poptOption optionsTable[] = {
- {"source", 's', POPT_ARG_STRING, &sourceName, 's', "Source name."},
- {"ra", 'r', POPT_ARG_STRING, &raString, 'r', "RA in hours (decimal or HH:MM:SS.SSS format)"},
- {"dec", 'd', POPT_ARG_STRING, &decString, 'd', "Declination in degrees (decimal or +DD:MM:SS.SSS)"},
- {"epoch", 'e', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &equatorial.epoch, 0, "Epoch of input coordinates 1950 or 2000."},
- {"pmra", 'p', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &properMotion.ra, 0, "Proper motion in RA (mas/yr)."},
- {"pmdec", 'q', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &properMotion.dec, 0, "Proper motion in declination (mas/yr)."},
- {"raoff", 'R', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &dRA, 0, "RA offset (arcsec)."},
- {"decoff", 'D', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &dDEC, 0, "Dec offset (arcsec)."},
- {"vlsr", 'v', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &equatorial.radialVelocity, 0, "LSR velocity (km/s)"},
- {"time", 't', POPT_ARG_STRING, &timeSpec, 't', "Date & time, e.g. \"14 Dec 2010 12:40:15\""},
- {"optical", 'o', POPT_ARG_NONE, &isOptical, 0, "Optical refraction correction (instead of radio)."},
- {"reconfigure", 'c', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'c', "Reload catalogs and ephemeris data."},
- {"properties", 'P', POPT_ARG_NONE, &showProperties, 0, "Print source properties."},
- {"track", 'T', POPT_ARG_NONE, &showTrack, 0, "Print current track segment information."},
- {"flux", 'F', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE, &fGHZ, 'F', "Print estimated brightness at given frequency (GHz)."},
- {"verbose", 'V', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'V', "Produce verbose output."},
- {"when", 'w', POPT_ARG_NONE, &showTimes, 0, "Print rise/set/transit times"},
- {"server", 'S', POPT_ARG_STRING, &lookupServer, 0, "Specify an alternative lookup server address."},
- {"Lookup a source's coordinates and/or properties.\n"}
- };
- poptContext optCon;
- setVerbosity(VERBOSE_WARNINGS);
- // Initializations...
- resetEquatorial(&equatorial);
- resetEquatorial(&properMotion);
- // Process command line options...
- if(argc<2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! Insufficient number of arguments. At least source-name or RA/Dec are required.\n");
- }
- optCon = poptGetContext("lookup", argc, argv, optionsTable, 0);
- while((c = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) >= 0) switch(c) {
- case 0: break;
- case 'h': poptPrintHelp(optCon, stdout, 0); break;
- case 't': hasTime = TRUE; break;
- case 'F': showFlux = TRUE; break;
- case 'V': setVerbosity(VERBOSE_DEBUG); break;
- case 'c':
- reloadServerConfig();
- if(argc == 2) exit(0);
- break;
- default: defaultProcessOption(c, optCon);
- }
- poptFreeContext(optCon);
- // Check if minimal arguments have been supplied.
- if(!sourceName) if(!raString || !decString) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! No source specified. Either source-name or RA/Dec are required.\n");
- }
- if(hasTime && showTrack) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! Cannot use -t (time) together with -T (current track).\n");
- }
- if(raString) {
- equatorial.ra = parseHours(raString, &n);
- if(n < 0) usage(SMASH_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid RA format", "Use decimal hours or HH:MM:SS[.sss] format.");
- }
- if(decString) {
- equatorial.dec = parseDegrees(decString, &n);
- if(n < 0) usage(SMASH_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid declination format", "Use decimal degrees or [-]DDD:MM:SS[.sss] format.");
- }
- properMotion.epoch = equatorial.epoch;
- if(hasTime) {
- int nt;
- if(!parseDateTime(timeSpec, DMY, &date, &nt)) {
- reportError("ERROR! Bad time argument: '%s'.\n", timeSpec);
- }
- tjd = tjdDate(&date);
- }
- else tjd = 0; // tjd=0 triggers the server to poll for current time.
- reportDetail("TJD = %.6f", tjd);
- result = (raString && decString) ? lookupByCoordinates(&equatorial, dRA, dDEC, &properMotion, tjd, isOptical) : lookupByName(sourceName, dRA, dDEC, tjd, isOptical);
- if(!result) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR! Got NULL (timeout?) from lookup server.\n");
- }
- if(result->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) {
- if(isShowingErrors()) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR! %s\n", result->status.message);
- }
- if(result->status.errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) {
- if(isShowingWarnings()) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! %s\n", result->status.message);
- }
- if(showProperties) printTargetProperties(& result->source);
- if(showFlux) if(result->source.isSolarSystem.value) printFluxData(getIllumination(&result->source, tjd), result->source.diameter, fGHZ);
- if(showTrack) printTrackSegment(
- result->source.isSolarSystem.value ?
- getSolarSystemTrack(&result->source, dRA, dDEC) :
- getSiderealTrack(&result->source.catalogCoords, &result->source.properMotion, result->source.radialVelocity)
- );
- local = &result->local;
- printf("AZ %f EL %f SunDist %f", local->horizontal.Az/DEGREE, local->horizontal.El/DEGREE, local->sunDistance/DEGREE);
- if(result->source.isSatellite.value) if(local->planetDistance != 0.0) printf(" PlanetSep %f \"", local->planetDistance/ARCSEC);
- printf("\n");
- if(showTimes) printTimes(local, HAYSTACK_LATITUDE_DEG * DEGREE);
- return 0;
-static CLIENT *createClient() {
- return createLookupClient(lookupServer);
- * Print rise/transit/set times for the given query result in hh:mm format.
- *
- * \param result Pointer to the successful lookup query result.
- * \param latitude (radian) The observe's latitude
- *
- */
-static void printTimes(const LQSiteResult *result, double latitude) {
- double ha;
- char timeString[10];
- ha = acos((sin(20.0 * DEGREE) - sin(result->apparent.Dec) * sin(latitude)) / (cos(result->apparent.Dec) * cos(latitude))) / SECONDANGLE;
- hhmm(result->transitUTC - ha, timeString);
- printf("rising at %s, ", timeString);
- hhmm(result->transitUTC, timeString);
- printf("transiting at %s, ", timeString);
- hhmm(result->transitUTC + ha, timeString);
- printf("setting at %s UTC\n", timeString);
-static void setQuerySite(LQSite *site) {
- site->longitude = HAYSTACK_LONGITUDE_DEG * DEGREE;
- site->latitude = HAYSTACK_LATITUDE_DEG * DEGREE;
- site->altitude = HAYSTACK_HEIGHT;
-static LQResult *lookupByName(const char *name, double dRA, double dDEC, double tjd, boolean isOptical) {
- LQNameLookupParms parms;
- LQResult *result;
- CLIENT *cl;
- reportInfo("Lookup '%s' (offset %.1f, %.1f arcsec)", name, dRA, dDEC);
- tokenFrom(name, parms.sourceName, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH);
- parms.dRA = dRA * ARCSEC;
- parms.dDEC = dDEC * ARCSEC;
- parms.query.tjd = tjd;
- parms.query.isOptical.value = isOptical;
- setQuerySite(&parms.query.site);
- result = lookup_by_name_1(&parms, cl = createClient());
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(!result) clnt_perror(cl, "lookup_by_name()");
- return result;
-static LQResult *lookupByCoordinates(EquatorialCoordinates *eq, double dRA, double dDEC, const EquatorialCoordinates *properMotion, double tjd, boolean isOptical) {
- LQCoordinateLookupParms parms;
- LQResult *result;
- CLIENT *cl;
- reportInfo("Lookup: RA=%.3f h, DEC=%.3f deg (%.1f), offset: %.1f %.1f arcsec", eq->ra, eq->dec, eq->epoch, dRA, dDEC);
- parms.coords.Dec = eq->dec * DEGREE + dDEC * ARCSEC;
- parms.coords.RA = eq->ra * HOURANGLE + dRA * ARCSEC * cos(parms.coords.Dec);
- parms.coords.epoch = eq->epoch;
- if(properMotion != NULL) {
- parms.properMotion.RA = properMotion->ra; // mas/yr
- parms.properMotion.Dec = properMotion->dec; // mas/yr
- parms.properMotion.epoch = properMotion->epoch;
- }
- else {
- parms.properMotion.RA = parms.properMotion.Dec = 0.0;
- parms.properMotion.epoch = eq->epoch;
- }
- parms.query.tjd = tjd;
- parms.query.isOptical.value = isOptical;
- setQuerySite(&parms.query.site);
- result = lookup_by_coords_1(&parms, cl = createClient());
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- result->source.radialVelocity = eq->radialVelocity;
- return result;
-static LQTrackSegment *getSiderealTrack(LQEquatorialCoords *eq, const LQEquatorialCoords *properMotion, double radialVelocity) {
- LQSiderealTrackParms p;
- LQTrackSegment *t;
- CLIENT *cl;
- reportInfo("Track for: RA=%.3f h, DEC=%.3f deg (%.1f)", eq->RA / HOURANGLE, eq->Dec / DEGREE, eq->epoch);
- p.equatorial = *eq;
- if(properMotion != NULL) p.properMotion = *properMotion;
- else {
- p.properMotion.RA = p.properMotion.Dec = 0.0;
- p.properMotion.epoch = eq->epoch;
- }
- p.radialVelocity = radialVelocity;
- t = get_sidereal_track_1(&p, cl = createClient());
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(t == NULL) reportError("lookupd returned NULL");
- return t;
-static LQTrackSegment *getSolarSystemTrack(LQTargetProperties *source, double dRA, double dDEC) {
- LQTrackSegment *t;
- LQSolarSystemTrackParms p;
- CLIENT *cl;
- if(source->NAIF) reportInfo("Track for NAIF ID %d", source->NAIF);
- else if(isMPCNovasID(source->novasID)) reportInfo("Track for MPC object '%s'\n", source->name);
- p.id.code = source->novasID;
- p.id.isNAIF.value = LQ_FALSE;
- setQuerySite(&p.site);
- t = get_solarsystem_track_1(&p, cl = createClient());
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(t == NULL) reportError("lookupd returned NULL");
- else {
- t->apparent.Dec += dDEC * ARCSEC;
- t->apparent.RA += dRA * ARCSEC * cos(t->apparent.Dec);
- }
- return t;
-static LQIllumination *getIllumination(const LQTargetProperties *p, double tjd) {
- LQIlluminationQuery q;
- LQIllumination *i;
- CLIENT *cl;
- q.id.code = p->novasID;
- q.id.isNAIF.value = LQ_FALSE;
- q.tjd = tjd;
- i = get_solar_illumination_1(&q, cl = createClient());
- if(i == NULL) reportError("lookupd returned NULL");
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- return i;
-static void reloadServerConfig() {
- const LQStatus *status;
- CLIENT *cl;
- status = lookup_refresh_1(NULL, cl = createClient());
- rpc_disconnect(cl);
- if(status->errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) reportWarning(status->message);
- * Formats time in hh:mm format.
- *
- * \param time (sec) The time of the day.
- * \param buf Pointer to the string buffer that will hold the result. It should be appropriately sized.
- *
- */
-static void hhmm(double time, char *buf) {
- int h, m;
- time = remainder(time, DAY);
- if(time < 0.0) time += DAY;
- h = (int) (time / HOUR);
- time -= h * HOUR;
- m = (int) (time / MINUTE);
- sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d", h, m);
-static void printTargetProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p) {
- if(p->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) reportError(p->status.message);
- else if(p->status.errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) reportWarning(p->status.message);
- else if(p->isSolarSystem.value) printSolarSystemProperties(p);
- else printSiderealProperties(p);
-static void printSolarSystemProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p) {
- printf(" Name: %s\n", p->name);
- if(!p->NAIF && p->novasID) {
- printf(" Origin: Minor Planet Center\n");
- }
- else {
- static const char *planets[] = { "", "Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Neptune", "Pluto" };
- printf(" NAIF code: %ld\n", p->NAIF);
- printf(" Orbits: %s\n", (p->isSatellite.value ? planets[p->NAIF/100] : "Sun"));
- }
- printf(" Temporary ref#: %d\n", p->novasID);
- if(p->diameter > 0.0) printf(" Diameter: %.1f km\n", p->diameter);
- printf("\n");
-static void printSiderealProperties(const LQTargetProperties *p) {
- char RA[40], DEC[40];
- formatHMSAngle(p->catalogCoords.RA, RA);
- formatDMS(p->catalogCoords.Dec, DEC);
- printf(" Name: %s\n", p->name);
- printf(" Type: %s\n", (p->isOptical.value ? "optical" : "radio"));
- printf(" Catalog coords: %s %s (%.1f)\n", RA, DEC, p->catalogCoords.epoch);
- printf(" Proper motion: %.1f, %.1f mas/yr\n", p->properMotion.RA, p->properMotion.Dec);
- printf(" vRadial: %.3f km/s\n", p->radialVelocity);
- if(p->isOptical.value) {
- printf(" Spectral type: %s\n", p->spectralType);
- printf(" Magnitude: %.1f\n", p->magnitude);
- printf(" Proper motion: %.1f, %.1f mas/yr\n", p->properMotion.RA, p->properMotion.Dec);
- }
- printf("\n");
-static void printTrackSegment(const LQTrackSegment *t) {
- char RA[40], DEC[40];
- if(t->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) reportError(t->status.message);
- else if(t->status.errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) reportWarning(t->status.message);
- else {
- formatHMSAngle(t->apparent.RA, RA);
- formatDMS(t->apparent.Dec, DEC);
- printf("Current Tracking Parameters\n");
- printf(" MJD: %0.6f\n", t->tjd - JD_MJD0);
- printf(" Apparent: %s %s (%.1f)\n", RA, DEC, t->apparent.epoch);
- printf(" Rate: %.3f, %.3f arcsec/hour\n", t->apparentRate.RA * HOUR / ARCSEC, t->apparentRate.Dec * HOUR / ARCSEC);
- printf(" vRadial: %.3f km/s\n", t->radialVelocity);
- printf(" aRadial: %.3g km/s^2\n", t->radialVelocityRate);
- if(t->distance > 0.0) printf(" distance: %.3f AU\n", t->distance);
- printf("\n");
- }
-static void printFluxData(const LQIllumination *illum, double diameterKM, double fGHZ) {
- double T1AU = 320.0;
- double k = 1.38e-23;
- double h = 6.64e-34;
- double c = 299792458.0;
- double f = fGHZ * GHZ;
- double T = T1AU / sqrt(illum->sunDistance);
- double B = 2.0 * h * f * f * f / (c*c) / expm1(h*f / (k*T));
- double dA = 1e3 * diameterKM / (illum->distance * AU);
- double dO = illum->fraction * 0.25 * PI * dA * dA;
- if(illum->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) reportError(illum->status.message);
- else if(illum->status.errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) reportWarning(illum->status.message);
- else {
- if(diameterKM > 0.0) printf(" Angular size: %.3f arcsec\n", dA / ARCSEC);
- printf(" Illum. fraction: %.1f %%\n", 100.0 * illum->fraction);
- printf(" Distance: %.3f AU\n", illum->distance);
- printf(" Sun distance: %.3f AU\n", illum->sunDistance);
- printf(" Estimated temp: %.1f K\n", T);
- if(diameterKM > 0.0) printf(" S(%dGHz) %.3f Jy\n", (int) fGHZ, 1e26 * B * dO);
- printf("\n");
- }
diff --git a/include/lookup/src/lookupService.c b/include/lookup/src/lookupService.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0778d92..0000000
--- a/include/lookup/src/lookupService.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- *
- * @date Created on: Nov 13, 2017
- * @author Attila Kovacs
- *
- * @version 2.2-Haytack
- *
- * This program implements a source position lookup service via RPC.
- *
- * The server processes HUP signals to reload configuration (catalogs and ephemeris files)
- *
- */
-#include "astrometry.h"
-#include "catalog.h"
-#include "ephemeris.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "position.h"
-#include "timeutil.h"
-#include "haystack.h"
-#include "tcputil.h"
-#include "rpcutil.h"
-#include "proclock.h"
-#ifndef SIG_PF
-#define SIG_PF void(*)(int)
-#define RPC_MAX_QUEUE 100
-#define LOOKUPD_LOCK_ID "lookupd"
-#define EVOLVE_TIME 60.0 ///< (s) Time step around current for rate calculations using cord.
-static void initLookup();
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupName(const char *name);
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupSolarSystem(const char *name);
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupSidereal(const char *name, boolean isOptical);
-static void printLQQuery(LQParms *query);
-static void reportLQStatus(const LQStatus *status);
-static void generateLQResult(LQParms *query, LQTargetProperties *p, double dRA, double dDEC, LQResult *result);
-static LQTrackSegment *getSourceTrack(TargetDefinition *source, const LQSite *lookupSite);
-static void setLQStatus(int errorLevel, const char *message, LQStatus *status);
-static void updateLQStatus(int errorLevel, const char *message, LQStatus *status);
-static double objectDistance(const EquatorialCoordinates *apparent, short novasID, on_surface *site, double tjd);
-static void setOption(char *value);
-static void initSignalHandler();
-static void processSignal(int signum);
-static boolean ignoreLock;
-static void initLookup() {
- setVerbosity(VERBOSE_WARNINGS);
- setSpiceExitOnError(FALSE); // Handle SPICE errors gracefully...
- //if(!isShowingDebug()) setSpiceErrorVerbosity("EXPLAIN"); // Print only short errors (without trace or explanation), unless running with 'debug'
- lookup_refresh_1_svc(NULL, NULL);
- initSignalHandler();
-LQResult *lookup_by_name_1_svc(LQNameLookupParms *lookup, struct svc_req *req) {
- static LQResult result;
- LQTargetProperties *p;
- reportInfo("Looking up '%s' (offset %.1, %.1f arcsec)", lookup->sourceName, lookup->dRA / ARCSEC, lookup->dDEC / ARCSEC);
- if(isShowingDetails()) printLQQuery(&lookup->query);
- memset(&result, 0, sizeof(LQResult));
- p = lookupName(lookup->sourceName);
- if(p->status.errorLevel != LQ_ERROR) generateLQResult(&lookup->query, p, lookup->dRA, lookup->dDEC, &result);
- else result.status = p->status;
- reportLQStatus(&result.status);
- return &result;
-// local implemetation for lookup.o
-LQResult * lookup_by_name_1(LQNameLookupParms *p, CLIENT *cl) {
- return lookup_by_name_1_svc(p, NULL);
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupName(const char *name) {
- LQTargetProperties *p;
- p = lookupSolarSystem(name); // solar system lookup...
- if(p->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) p = lookupSidereal(name, FALSE); // radio catalog lookup...
- if(p->status.errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) p = lookupSidereal(name, TRUE); // optical catalog lookup...
- return p;
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupSolarSystem(const char *name) {
- static LQTargetProperties p;
- reportDetail("Trying solar system...");
- memset(&p, 0, sizeof(LQTargetProperties));
- tokenFrom(name, p.name, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH);
- p.novasID = mpcGetNovasID(name);
- if(p.novasID < 0) {
- // Minor Planet Center object...
- p.isSolarSystem.value = TRUE;
- p.NAIF = 0;
- }
- else {
- // Try as SPICE object....
- spiceErrorReset(); // Clear prior SPICE errors...
- p.NAIF = getPlanetID(name);
- if(p.NAIF <= 0) {
- p.isSolarSystem.value = FALSE;
- p.novasID = -1;
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "Source not found", &p.status);
- return &p;
- }
- p.isSolarSystem.value = TRUE;
- p.novasID = NAIFtoNOVAS(p.NAIF);
- }
- p.diameter = getPlanetDiameter(p.name) / KM;
- p.isSatellite.value = p.NAIF > 100 && p.NAIF < 1000 && (p.NAIF % 100) != 99;
- p.isComplete.value = p.novasID > 0;
- setLQStatus(LQ_SUCCESS, NULL, &p.status);
- reportDetail("Source found!\n");
- return &p;
-static LQTargetProperties *lookupSidereal(const char *name, boolean isOptical) {
- static LQTargetProperties p;
- CatalogEntry entry;
- boolean isFound;
- reportDetail("Trying %s catalog...", isOptical ? "optical" : "radio");
- memset(&p, 0, sizeof(LQTargetProperties));
- tokenFrom(name, p.name, LQ_SOURCE_NAME_LENGTH);
- if(isOptical) isFound = lookupOpticalCatalog(name, &entry);
- else isFound = lookupRadioCatalog(name, &entry);
- if(!isFound) {
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "Source not found.", &p.status);
- return &p;
- }
- p.isSolarSystem.value = FALSE;
- p.isOptical.value = isOptical;
- p.catalogCoords.RA = (entry.rah + entry.ram / 60. + entry.ras / 3600.) * HOURANGLE;
- p.catalogCoords.Dec = (fabs(entry.decd) + entry.decm / 60. + entry.decs / 3600.) * DEGREE;
- if(entry.decsign == '-') p.catalogCoords.Dec *= -1;
- p.catalogCoords.epoch = entry.epoch;
- p.radialVelocity = entry.vel;
- p.magnitude = entry.magnitude;
- p.properMotion.RA = entry.pmr; // mas/year
- p.properMotion.Dec = entry.pmd; // mas/year
- p.properMotion.epoch = p.catalogCoords.epoch;
- memcpy(p.spectralType, entry.spectralType, LQ_SPECTRAL_TYPE_LENGTH);
- p.isComplete.value = entry.isComplete;
- reportDetail("Source found!\n");
- return &p;
-LQResult *lookup_by_coords_1_svc(LQCoordinateLookupParms *lookup, struct svc_req *req) {
- static LQResult result;
- LQTargetProperties p;
- LQEquatorialCoords *eq = &p.catalogCoords;
- memset(&p, 0, sizeof(LQTargetProperties));
- strcpy(p.name, "user");
- p.catalogCoords = lookup->coords;
- p.properMotion = lookup->properMotion;
- reportInfo("Looking up RA=%.3f h, DEC=%.3f deg (%.1f)", eq->RA / HOURANGLE, eq->Dec / DEGREE, eq->epoch);
- if(isShowingDetails()) printLQQuery(&lookup->query);
- generateLQResult(&lookup->query, &p, 0.0, 0.0, &result);
- reportLQStatus(&result.status);
- return &result;
-LQTargetProperties * get_target_properties_1_svc(LQTargetLookupParms *lookup, struct svc_req *req) {
- static LQTargetProperties *p;
- p = lookupName(lookup->sourceName);
- reportLQStatus(&p->status);
- return p;
-// Local implementation for lookup.o
-LQTargetProperties * get_target_properties_1(LQTargetLookupParms *p, CLIENT *cl) {
- return get_target_properties_1_svc(p, NULL);
-LQTrackSegment *get_sidereal_track_1_svc(LQSiderealTrackParms *p, struct svc_req *req) {
- TargetDefinition source;
- memset(&source, 0, sizeof(TargetDefinition));
- source.isSolarSystem = FALSE;
- source.catalog.ra = p->equatorial.RA / HOURANGLE;
- source.catalog.dec = p->equatorial.Dec / DEGREE;
- source.catalog.epoch = p->equatorial.epoch;
- source.catalog.radialVelocity = p->radialVelocity;
- source.properMotion.ra = p->properMotion.RA;
- source.properMotion.dec = p->properMotion.Dec;
- source.properMotion.epoch = p->properMotion.epoch;
- return getSourceTrack(&source, NULL);
-LQTrackSegment *get_solarsystem_track_1_svc(LQSolarSystemTrackParms *p, struct svc_req *req) {
- TargetDefinition source;
- memset(&source, 0, sizeof(TargetDefinition));
- source.isSolarSystem = TRUE;
- source.object.number = p->id.isNAIF.value ? NAIFtoNOVAS(p->id.code) : (short) p->id.code;
- return getSourceTrack(&source, &p->site);
-static LQTrackSegment *getSourceTrack(TargetDefinition *source, const LQSite *lookupSite) {
- static LQTrackSegment track;
- on_surface site;
- EquatorialCoordinates apparent, next, prev;
- if(source->isSolarSystem) reportInfo("Getting track segment for NAIF code %ld", NOVAStoNAIF(source->object.number));
- else {
- reportInfo("Getting track segment for: RA=%.3f DEC=%.3f (%.1f) vRadial=%.1f km/s",
- source->catalog.ra, source->catalog.dec, source->catalog.epoch, source->catalog.radialVelocity);
- }
- memset(&track, 0, sizeof(LQTrackSegment));
- track.tjd = tjdNow();
- reportDebug("TJD=%f", track.tjd);
- if(lookupSite == NULL) {
- site.longitude = HAYSTACK_LONGITUDE_DEG;
- site.latitude = HAYSTACK_LATITUDE_DEG;
- site.height = HAYSTACK_HEIGHT;
- }
- else {
- site.longitude = lookupSite->longitude / DEGREE;
- site.latitude = lookupSite->latitude / DEGREE;
- site.height = lookupSite->altitude;
- }
- spiceErrorReset(); // Clear prior SPICE errors...
- track.distance = getApparentSource(source, &site, track.tjd, &apparent);
- if(track.distance > 0.0) reportDetail("Distance: %.2f AU", track.distance);
- // Check that we have ephemeris data for this source...
- if(source->isSolarSystem) if (hadSpiceError()) {
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "SPICE error!", &track.status);
- reportLQStatus(&track.status);
- return &track;
- }
- track.apparent.RA = apparent.ra;
- track.apparent.Dec = apparent.dec;
- track.apparent.epoch = apparent.epoch;
- track.radialVelocity = apparent.radialVelocity;
- reportDetail("Apparent: RA=%.3f DEC=%.3f (%.1f)", apparent.ra / HOURANGLE, apparent.dec / DEGREE, apparent.epoch);
- reportDetail("Radial velocity: %.1f km/s", apparent.radialVelocity);
- getApparentSource(source, &site, track.tjd - EVOLVE_TIME / DAY, &prev);
- getApparentSource(source, &site, track.tjd + EVOLVE_TIME / DAY, &next);
- // Check that we have ephemeris data for this source...
- if (source->isSolarSystem) if (hadSpiceError()) {
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "SPICE error : could not calculate apparent coordinates.", &track.status);
- reportLQStatus(&track.status);
- return &track;
- }
- track.apparentRate.RA = (next.ra - prev.ra) / (2.0 * EVOLVE_TIME);
- track.apparentRate.Dec = (next.dec - prev.dec) / (2.0 * EVOLVE_TIME);
- track.radialVelocityRate = (next.radialVelocity - apparent.radialVelocity) / (2.0 * EVOLVE_TIME);
- reportDetail("Apparent rates: %.3f, %.3f arcsec/s", track.apparentRate.RA / ARCSEC, track.apparentRate.Dec / ARCSEC);
- reportDetail("Acceleration: %.2g km/s^2", track.radialVelocityRate);
- reportLQStatus(&track.status);
- return &track;
-LQIllumination *get_solar_illumination_1_svc(LQIlluminationQuery *q, struct svc_req *req) {
- static LQIllumination illumination;
- double pos[3], ePos[3], v[3];
- double dSun, dObs, dEarth;
- short id;
- if(isMPCNovasID(q->id.code)) id = (short) q->id.code; // MPC ephemeris
- else id = q->id.isNAIF.value ? NAIFtoNOVAS(q->id.code) : (short) q->id.code;
- if(q->tjd == 0.0) q->tjd = tjdNow();
- spiceErrorReset(); // Clear prior SPICE errors...
- // Body's distance from Sun...
- solarsystem(q->tjd, id, 1, pos, v);
- if(hadSpiceError()) {
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "SPICE Error : Could not calculate body position w.r.t. the Sun.", &illumination.status);
- reportLQStatus(&illumination.status);
- return & illumination;
- }
- illumination.sunDistance = dSun = sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1] + pos[2] * pos[2]);
- // Earth's distance from Sun...
- solarsystem(q->tjd, 3, 1, ePos, v);
- if(hadSpiceError()) {
- setLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "SPICE Error : Could not calculate Earth position w.r.t. the Sun.", &illumination.status);
- reportLQStatus(&illumination.status);
- return & illumination;
- }
- dEarth = sqrt(ePos[0]*ePos[0] + ePos[1] * ePos[1] + ePos[2] * ePos[2]);
- // Get distance to Earth....
- pos[0] -= ePos[0];
- pos[1] -= ePos[1];
- pos[2] -= ePos[2];
- illumination.distance = dObs = sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1] + pos[2] * pos[2]);
- illumination.fraction = 0.5 + 0.5 * (dObs * dObs + dSun * dSun - dEarth * dEarth) / (2.0 * dSun * dObs);
- setLQStatus(LQ_SUCCESS, NULL, &illumination.status);
- reportLQStatus(&illumination.status);
- return &illumination;
-LQStatus *lookup_refresh_1_svc(void *nil, struct svc_req *req) {
- static LQStatus status;
- int n;
- const char *error;
- sd_notify(0, "RELOADING=1");
- setLQStatus(LQ_SUCCESS, NULL, &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading radio catalog.");
- if(n < 0) updateLQStatus(LQ_WARNING, "Could not open radio catalog.", &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading optical catalog.");
- if(n < 0) updateLQStatus(LQ_WARNING, "Could not open optical catalog.", &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading SPICE kernels.");
- error = reloadSpiceKernels(SPICE_KERNELS_LIST);
- if(error != NULL) reportWarning(error);
- updateLQStatus(error == NULL ? LQ_SUCCESS : LQ_ERROR, error, &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading MPC catalog.");
- n = mpcSetCatalog(DEFAULT_MPC_CATALOG_FILE);
- if(n != MPC_SUCCESS) updateLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "Could not load MPC catalog file.", &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading Leap second data.");
- error = readLeap(DEFAULT_LEAP_FILE);
- if(error != NULL) reportWarning(error);
- updateLQStatus(error == NULL ? LQ_SUCCESS : LQ_ERROR, error, &status);
- reportInfo("Reloading polar wobble parameters.");
- error = readPolarWobbleParms(DEFAULT_WOBBLE_PARMS_FILE);
- if(error != NULL) reportWarning(error);
- updateLQStatus(error == NULL ? LQ_SUCCESS : LQ_ERROR, error, &status);
- reportLQStatus(&status);
- sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
- return &status;
-static void printLQQuery(LQParms *query) {
- reportDetail("Site: LON=%.3f deg, LAT=%.3f deg, alt=%.1f m", query->site.longitude/DEGREE, query->site.latitude/DEGREE, query->site.altitude);
- reportDetail("TJD = %f", query->tjd);
- reportDetail("optical: %s", query->isOptical.value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
-static void reportLQStatus(const LQStatus *status) {
- if(status->errorLevel == LQ_SUCCESS) {
- if(strlen(status->message) > 0) reportInfo(status->message);
- }
- else if(status->errorLevel == LQ_WARNING) reportWarning(status->message);
- else if(status->errorLevel == LQ_ERROR) reportError(status->message);
-static void generateLQResult(LQParms *query, LQTargetProperties *p, double dRA, double dDEC, LQResult *result) {
- EquatorialCoordinates apparent;
- HorizontalCoordinates ho;
- TargetDefinition source;
- LQSiteResult *local;
- on_surface site;
- const char *error;
- spiceErrorReset(); // Reset the SPICE error status...
- reportDetail("");
- // Clear the result
- memset(result, 0, sizeof(LQResult));
- // For sidereal objects add offset up front to the catalog coordinates...
- if(!p->isSolarSystem.value) {
- p->catalogCoords.Dec += dDEC;
- p->catalogCoords.RA += dRA * cos(p->catalogCoords.Dec);
- }
- result->source = *p;
- result->status = p->status;
- error = setSourceProperties(p, &source);
- if(error != NULL) {
- updateLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, error, &result->status);
- return;
- }
- if(query->tjd == 0.0) query->tjd = tjdNow();
- reportDetail("TJD: %f\n", query->tjd);
- // Calculate apparent coordinates...
- site.longitude = query->site.longitude / DEGREE;
- site.latitude = query->site.latitude / DEGREE;
- site.height = query->site.altitude;
- reportDetail("Site: LON=%.3f deg, LAT=%.3f deg, alt=%.1f m", site.longitude, site.latitude, site.height);
- local = &result->local;
- local->tjd = query->tjd;
- local->distance = getApparentSource(&source, &site, query->tjd, &apparent);
- if(hadSpiceError()) {
- updateLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "Apparent lookup failed (CSPICE).", &result->status);
- spiceErrorReset();
- }
- else if(isnan(apparent.ra) || isnan(apparent.dec)) updateLQStatus(LQ_ERROR, "NOVAS NaN error -- Ouch!!!.", &result->status);
- if(p->isSolarSystem.value) {
- // For solar-system objects add offset to the apparent coordinates...
- apparent.dec += dDEC;
- apparent.cosDEC = cos(apparent.dec);
- apparent.ra += dRA * apparent.cosDEC;
- // Calculate J2000 'catalog' coordinates
- source.catalog = apparent;
- precess(&source.catalog, 2000.0);
- }
- reportDetail("Apparent: RA=%.3f h, DEC=%.3f deg (%.1f)", apparent.ra/HOURANGLE, apparent.dec/DEGREE, apparent.epoch);
- local->apparent.RA = apparent.ra;
- local->apparent.Dec = apparent.dec;
- local->apparent.epoch = apparent.epoch;
- local->radialVelocity = apparent.radialVelocity;
- // Calculate Sun and planet distances...
- local->sunDistance = objectDistance(&apparent, NOVAS_SUN, &site, query->tjd);
- if(hadSpiceError()) {
- spiceErrorReset();
- updateLQStatus(LQ_WARNING, "Sun position lookup failed.", &result->status);
- local->sunDistance = 0.0;
- }
- if(p->isSatellite.value) if(p->NAIF != NAIF_MOON) {
- local->planetDistance = objectDistance(&apparent, p->NAIF / 100, &site, query->tjd);
- if(hadSpiceError()) {
- spiceErrorReset();
- updateLQStatus(LQ_WARNING, "Planet separation lookup failed.", &result->status);
- local->planetDistance = 0.0;
- }
- }
- local->lstAngle = getLSTAngle(site.longitude, query->tjd - JD_MJD0, getUT1toTT());
- reportDetail("LST =%.3f h", local->lstAngle/HOURANGLE);
- equatorialToHorizontal(&apparent, local->lstAngle, site.latitude * DEGREE, &ho);
- local->horizontal.Az = ho.az;
- local->horizontal.El = ho.el;
- reportDetail("Horizontal: AZ=%.3f deg, EL=%.3f deg", ho.az/DEGREE, ho.el/DEGREE);
- refractionCorrect(&ho.el, query->isOptical.value, DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_C, DEFAULT_PRESSURE_MBAR, DEFAULT_HUMIDITY, &local->refraction);
- local->transitUTC = (apparent.ra - local->lstAngle) / SECONDANGLE + tt2utc(fmod(query->tjd + 0.5, 1.0) * DAY);
- reportDetail("Transit: UTC=%.3f h", local->transitUTC/HOUR);
-static void setLQStatus(int errorLevel, const char *message, LQStatus *status) {
- reportDetail("Status %d: %s", errorLevel, message == NULL ? "null" : message);
- status->errorLevel = errorLevel;
- if(message == NULL) status->message[0] = '\0';
- else {
- strncpy(status->message, message, LQ_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1);
- status->message[LQ_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
- }
- spiceErrorReset();
- return;
-static void updateLQStatus(int errorLevel, const char *message, LQStatus *status) {
- if(status->errorLevel >= errorLevel) {
- spiceErrorReset();
- return;
- }
- else setLQStatus(errorLevel, message, status);
-static double objectDistance(const EquatorialCoordinates *apparent, short novasID, on_surface *site, double tjd) {
- object planet = {0, novasID, "reference"};
- EquatorialCoordinates apparentPlanet;
- getApparentPlanet(&planet, site, tjd, &apparentPlanet);
- return sphericalDistance(apparent->ra, apparent->dec, apparentPlanet.ra, apparentPlanet.dec);
-static void setOption(char *value) {
- toLowerCase(value);
- if(!strcmp(value, "silent")) setVerbosity(SILENT);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "errors")) setVerbosity(VERBOSE_ERRORS);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "warnings")) setVerbosity(VERBOSE_WARNINGS);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "info")) setVerbosity(VERBOSE_INFO);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "details")) setVerbosity(VERBOSE_DETAILS);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "debug")) setVerbosity(VERBOSE_DEBUG);
- else if(!strcmp(value, "force")) ignoreLock = TRUE;
- else reportWarning("Unrecognized option '%s'.", value);
- * Sets up a handler for capturing Ctrl-C.
- *
- */
-static void initSignalHandler() {
- static struct sigaction action, old_action;
- reportInfo("Set up signal handler for HUP.");
- /* signal handler for control C */
- action.sa_flags=0;
- sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
- action.sa_handler = processSignal;
- sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, &old_action);
- sigaction(SIGINT, &action, &old_action);
- sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, &old_action);
- reportDetail("OK.");
-static void processSignal(int signum) {
- if(signum == SIGHUP) {
- if(!isSilent()) fprintf(stderr, "Received SIGHUP --> Reconfiguring.\n");
- lookup_refresh_1_svc(NULL, NULL);
- }
- else if(signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) {
- if(!isSilent()) fprintf(stderr, "Received SIGINT/SIGTERM --> Exiting.\n");
- exit(EINTR);
- }
- else if(!isSilent()) fprintf(stderr, "Received signal %d. Ignoring.\n", signum);
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- extern void lookupprog_1(struct svc_req *rqstp, register SVCXPRT *transp);
- int i, sock;
- for(i=1; i