CropPhenology package extracts phenological metrics from time series of seasonal vegetation index data. It has two functions: PhenoMetrics and MultiPointsPLots. PhenoMetrics create a raster stack or a table of phenological metrics for polygon or point area of interstes, respectively.
Prerequesites - packages 'raster', 'rgdal', 'maptools', 'shapefiles' and 'xlsx' are required.
Installation - The CropPhenology package can be installed from GitHub repository using 'Devtools' package. Hence, Devtools should be installed and loaded prior to the CropPhenology installation. The following code lines provide the installation steps:
install.packages ("devtools");library(devtools);install_github("SofanitAraya/CropPhenology")
Running the tests - Two test data are availabel with the installation. It can be run from the R program.
Built history - This package is built using R software, as part of the PhD resaerch of the first Author, at Spatial Information Group (SIG) of The University of Adelaide. This project is supported by funding from The University of Adelaide.
Authors - Sofanit Araya, Bertram Ostendorf, Megan Lewis and Greg Lyle
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