A digitalized version of the card game Khabu. You can find the rules here
The game is made with React Redux and Spring Boot. To handle real-time interactions we use the WebSocket protocol with Stomp.
To build and deploy our application we set up an AWS Codepipeline and use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy.
The application is now hosted on Azure App Service instead via a custom Docker container
- StompJs Stomp protocol communication with back-end.
- Axios. REST communication with back-end.
- React Hook Form. Handles the form input when joining a game.
- reselect and re-reselect. To achieve efficient Redux state retrieval.
- Redux-Thunk. Allows us to access state in our action creators.
- React Router. To differentiate pages in our SPA.
We developed the game logic with test-driven development. It is written in Java and we use JUnit5 as our testing framework. Only the back-end has been tested using unit-testing.
If you want to use the application locally, start by cloning the repository from Github. Next, cd to the front-end folder and install dependencies by typing yarn
. To start the front-end, use yarn run
. To start the back-end, cd to the back-end folder and type mvn spring-boot:run