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Model Fine-Tuning Training

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to use MindCV for transfer Learning to solve the problem of image classification on custom datasets. In the deep learning task, we often encounter the problem of insufficient training data. At this time, it is difficult to train the entire network directly to achieve the desired accuracy. A better approach is to use a pretrained model on a large dataset (close to the task data), and then use the model to initialize the network's weight parameters or apply it to specific tasks as a fixed feature extractor.

This tutorial will use the DenseNet model pretrained on ImageNet as an example to introduce two different fine-tuning strategies to solve the image classification problem of wolves and dogs in the case of small samples:

  1. Overall model fine-tuning.
  2. Freeze backbone and only fine-tune the classifier.

For details of transfer learning, see Stanford University CS231n

Data Preparation

Download Dataset

Download the dog and wolf classification dataset used in the case. Each category has 120 training images and 30 verification images. Use the interface to download the dataset, and automatically unzip the downloaded dataset to the current directory.

import os
from import DownLoad

dataset_url = ""
root_dir = "./"

if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, 'data/Canidae')):
    DownLoad().download_and_extract_archive(dataset_url, root_dir)

The directory structure of the dataset is as follows:

└── Canidae
    ├── train
    │   ├── dogs
    │   └── wolves
    └── val
        ├── dogs
        └── wolves

Dataset Loading and Processing

Loading Custom Datasets

By calling the create_dataset function in, we can easily load preset and customized datasets.

  • When the parameter name is set to null, it is specified as a user-defined dataset. (Default)
  • When the parameter name is set to be MNIST, CIFAR10 or other standard dataset names, it is specified as the preset dataset.

At the same time, we need to set the path data_dir of the dataset and the name split of the data segmentation (such as train, val) to load the corresponding training set or validation set.

from import create_dataset, create_transforms, create_loader

num_workers = 8

# path of dataset
data_dir = "./data/Canidae/"

# load dataset
dataset_train = create_dataset(root=data_dir, split='train', num_parallel_workers=num_workers)
dataset_val = create_dataset(root=data_dir, split='val', num_parallel_workers=num_workers)

Note: The directory structure of the custom dataset should be the same as ImageNet, that is, the hierarchy of root ->split ->class ->image

    ├── split1(e.g. train)/
    │  ├── class1/
    │  │   ├── 000001.jpg
    │  │   ├── 000002.jpg
    │  │   └── ....
    │  └── class2/
    │      ├── 000001.jpg
    │      ├── 000002.jpg
    │      └── ....
    └── split2/
       ├── class1/
       │   ├── 000001.jpg
       │   ├── 000002.jpg
       │   └── ....
       └── class2/
           ├── 000001.jpg
           ├── 000002.jpg
           └── ....

Data Processing and Augmentation

First, we call the create_transforms function to obtain the preset data processing and augmentation strategy (transform list). In this task, because the file structure of the wolf-dog dataset is consistent with that of the ImageNet dataset, we specify the parameter dataset_name as ImageNet, and directly use the preset ImageNet data processing and image augmentation strategy. create_transforms also supports a variety of customized processing and enhancement operations, as well as automatic enhancement policies (AutoAug). See API description for details.

We will transfer the obtained transform list to the create_loader(), specify batch_size and other parameters to complete the preparation of training and validation data, and return the Dataset Object as the input of the model.

# Define and acquire data processing and augment operations
trans_train = create_transforms(dataset_name='ImageNet', is_training=True)
trans_val = create_transforms(dataset_name='ImageNet',is_training=False)

loader_train = create_loader(
loader_val = create_loader(

Dataset Visualization

For the Dataset object returned by the create_loader interface to complete data loading, we can create a data iterator through the create_tuple_iterator interface, access the dataset using the next iteration, and read a batch of data.

images, labels = next(loader_train.create_tuple_iterator())
print("Tensor of image", images.shape)
print("Labels:", labels)
Tensor of image (16, 3, 224, 224)
Labels: [0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1]

Visualize the acquired image and label data, and the title is the label name corresponding to the image.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# class_name corresponds to label, and labels are marked in the order of folder string from small to large
class_name = {0: "dogs", 1: "wolves"}

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
for i in range(len(labels)):
    # Get the image and its corresponding label
    data_image = images[i].asnumpy()
    data_label = labels[i]
    # Process images for display
    data_image = np.transpose(data_image, (1, 2, 0))
    mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
    std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    data_image = std * data_image + mean
    data_image = np.clip(data_image, 0, 1)
    # Show Image
    plt.subplot(3, 6, i + 1)


Model Fine-Tuning

1. Overall Model Fine-Tuning

Pretraining Model Loading

We use mindcv.models.densenet to define the DenseNet121 network. When the pretrained parameter in the interface is set to True, the network weight can be automatically downloaded. Since the pretraining model is used to classify 1000 categories in the ImageNet dataset, we set num_classes=2, and the output of DenseNet's classifier (the last FC layer) is adjusted to two dimensions. At this time, only the pre-trained weights of the backbone are loaded, while the classifier uses the initial value.

from mindcv.models import create_model

network = create_model(model_name='densenet121', num_classes=2, pretrained=True)

For the specific structure of DenseNet, see the DenseNet paper.

Model Training

Use the loaded and processed wolf and dog images with tags to fine-tune the DenseNet network. Note that smaller learning rates should be used when fine-tuning the overall model.

from mindcv.loss import create_loss
from mindcv.optim import create_optimizer
from mindcv.scheduler import create_scheduler
from mindspore import Model, LossMonitor, TimeMonitor

# Define optimizer and loss function
opt = create_optimizer(network.trainable_params(), opt='adam', lr=1e-4)
loss = create_loss(name='CE')

# Instantiated model
model = Model(network, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'accuracy'})
model.train(10, loader_train, callbacks=[LossMonitor(5), TimeMonitor(5)], dataset_sink_mode=False)
epoch: 1 step: 5, loss is 0.5195528864860535
epoch: 1 step: 10, loss is 0.2654373049736023
epoch: 1 step: 15, loss is 0.28758567571640015
Train epoch time: 17270.144 ms, per step time: 1151.343 ms
epoch: 2 step: 5, loss is 0.1807008981704712
epoch: 2 step: 10, loss is 0.1700802594423294
epoch: 2 step: 15, loss is 0.09752683341503143
Train epoch time: 1372.549 ms, per step time: 91.503 ms
epoch: 3 step: 5, loss is 0.13594701886177063
epoch: 3 step: 10, loss is 0.03628234937787056
epoch: 3 step: 15, loss is 0.039737217128276825
Train epoch time: 1453.237 ms, per step time: 96.882 ms
epoch: 4 step: 5, loss is 0.014213413000106812
epoch: 4 step: 10, loss is 0.030747078359127045
epoch: 4 step: 15, loss is 0.0798817127943039
Train epoch time: 1331.237 ms, per step time: 88.749 ms
epoch: 5 step: 5, loss is 0.009510636329650879
epoch: 5 step: 10, loss is 0.02603740245103836
epoch: 5 step: 15, loss is 0.051846928894519806
Train epoch time: 1312.737 ms, per step time: 87.516 ms
epoch: 6 step: 5, loss is 0.1163717582821846
epoch: 6 step: 10, loss is 0.02439398318529129
epoch: 6 step: 15, loss is 0.02564268559217453
Train epoch time: 1434.704 ms, per step time: 95.647 ms
epoch: 7 step: 5, loss is 0.013310655951499939
epoch: 7 step: 10, loss is 0.02289542555809021
epoch: 7 step: 15, loss is 0.1992517113685608
Train epoch time: 1275.935 ms, per step time: 85.062 ms
epoch: 8 step: 5, loss is 0.015928998589515686
epoch: 8 step: 10, loss is 0.011409260332584381
epoch: 8 step: 15, loss is 0.008141174912452698
Train epoch time: 1323.102 ms, per step time: 88.207 ms
epoch: 9 step: 5, loss is 0.10395607352256775
epoch: 9 step: 10, loss is 0.23055407404899597
epoch: 9 step: 15, loss is 0.04896317049860954
Train epoch time: 1261.067 ms, per step time: 84.071 ms
epoch: 10 step: 5, loss is 0.03162381425499916
epoch: 10 step: 10, loss is 0.13094250857830048
epoch: 10 step: 15, loss is 0.020028553903102875
Train epoch time: 1217.958 ms, per step time: 81.197 ms

Model Evaluation

After the training, we evaluate the accuracy of the model on the validation set.

res = model.eval(loader_val)
{'accuracy': 1.0}

Visual Model Inference Results

Define visualize_mode function and visualize model prediction.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mindspore as ms

def visualize_model(model, val_dl, num_classes=2):
    # Load the data of the validation set for validation
    images, labels= next(val_dl.create_tuple_iterator())
    # Predict image class
    output = model.predict(images)
    pred = np.argmax(output.asnumpy(), axis=1)
    # Display images and their predicted values
    images = images.asnumpy()
    labels = labels.asnumpy()
    class_name = {0: "dogs", 1: "wolves"}
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        plt.subplot(3, 6, i + 1)
        # If the prediction is correct, it is displayed in blue; If the prediction is wrong, it is displayed in red
        color = 'blue' if pred[i] == labels[i] else 'red'
        plt.title('predict:{}'.format(class_name[pred[i]]), color=color)
        picture_show = np.transpose(images[i], (1, 2, 0))
        mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
        std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
        picture_show = std * picture_show + mean
        picture_show = np.clip(picture_show, 0, 1)

Use the finely tuned model piece to predict the wolf and dog image data of the verification set. If the prediction font is blue, the prediction is correct; if the prediction font is red, the prediction is wrong.

visualize_model(model, loader_val)


2. Freeze Backbone and Fine-Tune the Classifier

Freezing Backbone Parameters

First, we need to freeze all network layers except the last layer classifier, that is, set the requires_grad attribute of the corresponding layer parameter to False, so that it does not calculate the gradient and update the parameters in the backpropagation.

Because all models in mindcv.models use a classifier to identify and name the classifier of the model (i.e., the Dense layer), the parameters of each layer outside the classifier can be filtered through classifier.weight and classifier.bias, and its requires_grad attribute is set to False.

# freeze backbone
for param in network.get_parameters():
    if not in ["classifier.weight", "classifier.bias"]:
        param.requires_grad = False

Fine-Tune Classifier

Because the feature network has been fixed, we don't have to worry about distortpratised features in the training process. Therefore, compared with the first method, we can increase the learning rate.

Compared with no pretraining model, it will save more than half of the time, because partial gradient can not be calculated at this time.

# dataset load
dataset_train = create_dataset(root=data_dir, split='train', num_parallel_workers=num_workers)
loader_train = create_loader(

# Define optimizer and loss function
opt = create_optimizer(network.trainable_params(), opt='adam', lr=1e-3)
loss = create_loss(name='CE')

# Instantiated model
model = Model(network, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'accuracy'})

model.train(10, loader_train, callbacks=[LossMonitor(5), TimeMonitor(5)], dataset_sink_mode=False)
epoch: 1 step: 5, loss is 0.051333948969841
epoch: 1 step: 10, loss is 0.02043312042951584
epoch: 1 step: 15, loss is 0.16161368787288666
Train epoch time: 10228.601 ms, per step time: 681.907 ms
epoch: 2 step: 5, loss is 0.002121545374393463
epoch: 2 step: 10, loss is 0.0009798109531402588
epoch: 2 step: 15, loss is 0.015776708722114563
Train epoch time: 562.543 ms, per step time: 37.503 ms
epoch: 3 step: 5, loss is 0.008056879043579102
epoch: 3 step: 10, loss is 0.0009347647428512573
epoch: 3 step: 15, loss is 0.028648357838392258
Train epoch time: 523.249 ms, per step time: 34.883 ms
epoch: 4 step: 5, loss is 0.001014217734336853
epoch: 4 step: 10, loss is 0.0003159046173095703
epoch: 4 step: 15, loss is 0.0007699579000473022
Train epoch time: 508.886 ms, per step time: 33.926 ms
epoch: 5 step: 5, loss is 0.0015687644481658936
epoch: 5 step: 10, loss is 0.012090332806110382
epoch: 5 step: 15, loss is 0.004598274827003479
Train epoch time: 507.243 ms, per step time: 33.816 ms
epoch: 6 step: 5, loss is 0.010022152215242386
epoch: 6 step: 10, loss is 0.0066385045647621155
epoch: 6 step: 15, loss is 0.0036080628633499146
Train epoch time: 517.646 ms, per step time: 34.510 ms
epoch: 7 step: 5, loss is 0.01344013586640358
epoch: 7 step: 10, loss is 0.0008538365364074707
epoch: 7 step: 15, loss is 0.14135593175888062
Train epoch time: 511.513 ms, per step time: 34.101 ms
epoch: 8 step: 5, loss is 0.01626245677471161
epoch: 8 step: 10, loss is 0.02871556021273136
epoch: 8 step: 15, loss is 0.010110966861248016
Train epoch time: 545.678 ms, per step time: 36.379 ms
epoch: 9 step: 5, loss is 0.008498094975948334
epoch: 9 step: 10, loss is 0.2588501274585724
epoch: 9 step: 15, loss is 0.0014278888702392578
Train epoch time: 499.243 ms, per step time: 33.283 ms
epoch: 10 step: 5, loss is 0.021337147802114487
epoch: 10 step: 10, loss is 0.00829876959323883
epoch: 10 step: 15, loss is 0.008352771401405334
Train epoch time: 465.600 ms, per step time: 31.040 ms

Model Evaluation

After the training, we evaluate the accuracy of the model on the validation set.

dataset_val = create_dataset(root=data_dir, split='val', num_parallel_workers=num_workers)
loader_val = create_loader(

res = model.eval(loader_val)
{'accuracy': 1.0}

Visual Model Prediction

Use the finely tuned model piece to predict the wolf and dog image data of the verification set. If the prediction font is blue, the prediction is correct; if the prediction font is red, the prediction is wrong.

visualize_model(model, loader_val)


The prediction results of wolf/dog after fine-tuning are correct.