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Implemented the following models:

  1. UnigramModel: an unsmoothed unigram model
  2. SmoothedUnigramModel: a unigram model smoothed using Laplace (add-one) smoothing,
  3. BigramModel: an unsmoothed bigram model,
  4. SmoothedBigramModelLI: a bigram model smoothed using Linear Interpolation

For Sentimental Analysis using Machine Learning

  1. Naïve Bayes
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. Random Forest
  4. SVM
  5. Perceptron

For Sentimental Analysis using Deep Learning Sequential Models

  1. RNN
  2. GRU
  3. LSTM
  4. BiLSTM

For Sentimental Analysis using Word Embedding

  1. WordToVec
  2. Glove
  3. Fasttext
  4. Elmo