This repository is a curated collection of projects highlighting my journey as an associate AI developer and data scientist. While respecting data compliance and NDAs, I've recreated key concepts using dummy data to demonstrate my skills and problem-solving approaches.
- Standard-datasets: Basic Python projects, more like a practice set: Iris & Titanic datasets for Zoho QuickML and AutoML quality testing
- FS社:
- R社:
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- YI社:
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Special thanks to my mentors Kumagai-san, Zhao-san, and Iizuka-san for their invaluable guidance and alternative perspectives that have shaped my understanding and coding practices.
Each project folder contains:
- Detailed README with project overview
- Code samples demonstrating key concepts
- Brief explanation of technologies used
Feel free to explore, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or collaboration ideas!
- Phone number: 080-4858-0506
- Email: