Use DomainConnectDDNS-Python in a docker container, which executes the update command every 15 minutes. I do not know which providers are supported by this tool. I use it for IONOS.
Go to the "Registry" and search for:
- Go to the synology Image tab, select "ddns_multiclient" and press "Run":
- Press "Next":
- Make a folder on your synology nas and create a file called "settings.txt"
- Switch back to the creation of the docker container and select the file settings.txt and link it to /usr/src/app/settings.txt:
- Press "Next" and "finish". The Container should run and after you made your initial setup the settings.txt file contains
your settings for restoring the ddns_multiclient when recreated
docker exec -it domain-connect-ddns domain-connect-dyndns setup --domain <YOUR_DOMAIN>
Do this for each domain you want to set up.
docker exec -it domain-connect-ddns domain-connect-dyndns update --all
Test the settings by starting the update manually once