This repository contains a dataset of consumer complaints. The dataset includes various columns capturing details about each complaint and the company's response. The columns are as follows:
Company: The name of the company involved in the complaint.
Company response to consumer: The response provided by the company to the consumer.
Complaint ID: A unique identifier for the complaint.
Consumer consent provided?: Indicates if the consumer has provided consent for sharing their complaint details.
Consumer disputed?: Indicates if the consumer disputed the company’s response.
Date Received: The date the complaint was received.
Date Submitted: The date the complaint was submitted.
Issue: The primary issue raised in the complaint.
Product: The product related to the complaint.
State: The U.S. state where the complaint originated.
Sub-issue: A more specific description of the issue.
Sub-product: A more specific description of the product.
Submitted via: The method used to submit the complaint (e.g., web, phone).
Timely response?: Indicates if the company responded to the complaint in a timely manner.
ZIP code: The ZIP code from which the complaint was submitted.
Bottom of Gauge: A column to capture any relevant gauge data at the lower end (specific context needed). Top of Gauge: A column to capture any relevant gauge data at the upper end (specific context needed). Complaints: The total number of complaints.