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Quick Start

Aidan Heller edited this page Jul 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Let's get familiar with Botful by writing a simple robot program! The program will run a motor at full power while it is in teleop mode.

Calling Robot.start

First, we need to start out program by calling the Robot.start function, like this:

suspend fun main() = Robot.start {}

The first thing to note here is that Robot.start is a suspend function. That essentially means that the function could take a while to complete. In this case, the function runs for the entire duration of our robot program.

The next thing that you may notice is that Robot.start takes a lambda as a parameter. The lambda extends the Robot.Config type, and should contain your entire robot program.

Subscribing to lifecycle events

Well, now we have a robot program, but... it doesn't do anything. Let's change that!

Earlier, we mentioned the Robot.Config type. Well, this type happens to have a ton of useful methods that you can use to subscribe to your robot's lifecycle events!

Let's start by adding the onTeleop function to our Robot.start function. The onTeleop function takes a lambda which will run whenever your robot enters teleop mode. For now, let's print a message to the user.

suspend fun main() = Robot.start {
  onTeleop {
    println("I'm in teleop mode!")

Seems simple enough, right? Now our robot will print the message "I'm in teleop mode!" whenever it enters teleop mode. Next, lets add a motor to actually move the robot!

Adding a MotorController

There are several types of motors available in Botful, but for this tutorial let's use a Talon motor controller. To create a Talon, use the `Ta

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