// The following example demonstrates how to control the rotation and scale of
// an object using face rotation and mouth openness.
// Project setup:
// - Insert a plane
// Load in the required modules
const FaceTracking = require('FaceTracking');
const Scene = require('Scene');
// Locate the plane in the Scene
const plane = Scene.root.find('plane0');
// Store a reference to a detected face
const face = FaceTracking.face(0);
// Control the rotation of the plane with the rotation of the face
// Store references to the transform of the plane and face
const planeTransform = plane.transform;
const faceTransform = face.cameraTransform;
// Bind the rotation of the face to the rotation of the plane
planeTransform.rotationX = faceTransform.rotationX;
planeTransform.rotationY = faceTransform.rotationY;
planeTransform.rotationZ = faceTransform.rotationZ;
// Control the scale of the plane with mouth openness
// Store a reference to the mouth openness with some additional mathematical
// operations to amplify the signal
const mouthOpenness = face.mouth.openness.mul(4).add(1);
// Bind the mouthOpenness signal to the x and y-axis scale signal of the plane
planeTransform.scaleX = mouthOpenness;
planeTransform.scaleY = mouthOpenness;