The Picker
class describes an object controlling native picker behavior.
// The following example demonstrates how to configure, show and use a NativeUI
// picker.
// Project setup:
// - Insert a plane
// - Create a material and assign it to the plane
// - Import textures for use in the picker (set these textures to uncompressed)
// Load in the required modules
const NativeUI = require('NativeUI');
const Scene = require('Scene');
const Textures = require('Textures');
// Locate the plane in the Scene
const plane = Scene.root.find('plane0');
// Setup the configuration for the picker
// Locate the textures in the Assets
const texture0 = Textures.get('texture0');
const texture1 = Textures.get('texture1');
const texture2 = Textures.get('texture2');
// Store a reference to the picker
const picker = NativeUI.picker;
// Set a starting index (optional, will be 0 by default)
const index = 0;
// Create a configuration object
const configuration = {
// The index of the selected item in the picker
selectedIndex: index,
// The image textures to use as the items in the picker
items: [
{image_texture: texture0},
{image_texture: texture1},
{image_texture: texture2},
{image_texture: texture0},
{image_texture: texture1},
{image_texture: texture2},
{image_texture: texture0},
{image_texture: texture1},
{image_texture: texture2}
// Apply the configuration and show the picker
// Configure the picker using the configuration object
// Set the picker to be visible (visible is false by default)
picker.visible = true;
// Use the picker to set the texture of the plane
// Subscribe to the selectedIndex scalar signal
picker.selectedIndex.monitor().subscribe(function(index) {
// Update the texture of the material assigned to the plane to be the selected
// texture
plane.material.diffuse = configuration.items[index.newValue].image_texture;
Property | Description |
Represents the index of the selected item in the picker. |
(set) visible: BoolSignal Will instruct picker to be visible
or not visible, according to passed boolean value. |
Method | Description |
configure |
configure(configuration: {selectedIndex?: int, items: [{image_texture: ImageTexture}]}): void Configures the picker with a given JSON configuration. The configuration consists of an optional initial selected index (0 will be used if not specified) and a list of items. For items you must specify a name of an uncompressed texture which will be used as the picker item image. |