The Rotation
class encapsulates an object's rotation.
// The following example uses ReactiveModule.rotation(w,x,y,z) to construct a rotation
// from a quaternion-based representation of it. The constructed rotation is used with
// AnimationModule.samplers.polyline to create a rotation animation that is expressed as a RotationSignal.
var SceneModule = require('Scene');
var AnimationModule = require('Animation');
var ReactiveModule = require('Reactive');
// Construct a Rotation object from a quaternion-based values.
function axisRotation(axis_x, axis_y, axis_z, angle_degrees) {
var norm = Math.sqrt(axis_x*axis_x + axis_y*axis_y + axis_z*axis_z);
axis_x /= norm;
axis_y /= norm;
axis_z /= norm;
var angle_radians = angle_degrees * Math.PI / 180.0;
var cos = Math.cos(angle_radians/2);
var sin = Math.sin(angle_radians/2);
return ReactiveModule.rotation(
cos, axis_x*sin, axis_y*sin, axis_z*sin);
var time_driver = AnimationModule.timeDriver({
durationMilliseconds: 2000,
loopCount: Infinity
// Create a rotation sampler using Rotation objects generated
// by the previously-defined axisRotation() method.
var rotation_sampler = AnimationModule.samplers.polyline({
keyframes: [
knots: [
0, 1, 3, 5, 7
// Start the animation
var rotation_signal = AnimationModule.animate(time_driver, rotation_sampler);
// Apply the rotation transform to a scene object.
var plane = SceneModule.root.find('plane0');
plane.transform.rotation = rotation_signal;
This module exposes no properties.
This module exposes no methods.