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Nock Inspector

This is a wrapper designed to make using nock easier.

create a new nock inspector:

nockInspector = require('@sparkpost/nock-inspector');

myInspector = nockInspector({
    method: 'POST'
    basePath: '',
    endpoint: '/an/endpoint',
    //this is the default response - it is optional
    response: {
        //status will default to 200 if none is provided
        status: 200,
        //headers and body are optional
        headers: {
            pig: 'oink',
        body: {
            cow: 'moo'

This will respond with the default response to all POST requests made to

Specific replies can also be tailored to specific requests, like so.

specialRequest = {
    //either a body or headers object is needed for the request.
    headers: { horse: 'neigh' },
    body: { chicken: 'woof woof'}

specialResponse = {
    //status is required
    status: 400,
    //headers and body are optional
    headers: { human: 'yodeleedoo' }
    body: { error: 'the chicken says cluck cluck, not woof woof' }

myInspector.respondToRequest(specialRequest, specialResponse);

A nock inspector can respond with a specific response on the nth request to it:

// responds with the provided response on the second request
myInspector.respondOnCall(2, {
    status: 403,
    body: { error: 'no snakes allowed.' }
Accessing the requests made to the mock

myInspector.request is the most recent request intercepted by the mock. Its properties are headers, body, and query.

myInspector.requests is an array of requests, each with headers, body, and query. myInspector.requests[0] is the first request intercepted by the mock.

Listing and cleaning mocks
nockInspector = require('@sparkpost/nock-inspector');

//list all active mocks

//remove all mocks