Jupyter Notebooks showing various STARE functions.
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Examples require STARE version >= 0.16 and pystare version >= 0.5.3
Notes on installation can be found here.
Import pystare and demonstrate STARE spatial index values by plotting a few spatial elements (trixels) at the root resolution (quadfurcation-level QL-0) and one step finer (QL-1).
Show the basics of geolocation and neighborhoods using STARE by encoding a longitude-latitude floating point location with neighborhoods of various length scales. The difference between geolocation bits vs. neighborhood resolution bits is introduced.
Contiguous sequences of STARE indices may be replaced by intervals denoted by their lower and upper bounds. STARE upper bounds are called terminators and are greater than any possible index value within the interval. Expanding intervals into and finding longitude-latitude information from index values is introduced.
Nearly every analysis requires the ability to specify and work with regions of interest. The notion of a cover is introduced, which is a set of index values or intervals associated with an area covering a region of interest. Covers may be stored in spatial ranges which are sets of STARE spatial intervals stored as a skip-list for efficient querying. A simple pair of covers is constructed and their intersection is found using spatial ranges (srange).
Examine pystare's cmp_spatial(a,b) which provides a contains function. The function forms an exterior product a.contains.b. The simplest usage is when either a or b is a single element array. Also introduce the use of STARE index values as keys in a python dictionary.
Show examples of convex_hull and non-convex hulls via from_polygon to index regions marked by a coastline. The hulls bound covers which can be used for intersections and search queries. Also show how readily STARE works with Geopandas by showing the non-convex hull of Canada.
Use Geopandas to input & output the San Joaquin watershed.
Use Geopandas and pyhdf to load data from a MODIS swath and overlay on Africa via STARE.
The new STAREPandas interface is a central component of a fairly complete example presenting the basics of how STARE spatial indexing can be used to harmonize data for integrative analysis. Various aspects of the common problem of searching for and subsetting Earth Science data in a region of interest are discussed.
Of particular note is how little code an end-user must generate to achieve very interesting search and subsetting capabilities. Also demonstrated is one of the first uses of NASA's Science Managed Cloud Environment to perform this processing in the cloud on Earth Science data (ESD) stored in the cloud, pointing the way towards scaling up to support both the variety and volume of ESD.
Supporting code for Michael Rilee, Niklas Griessbaum, Kwo-Sen Kuo, James Frew, and Robert Wolfe. 2020. STARE-based Integrative Analysis of Diverse Data Using Dask Parallel Programming Demo Paper. In Proceedings of ACM SIGSPATIAL conference (SIGSPATIAL’20). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3397536.3422346
A few notes that may be helpful for getting things running.
2018-2020 Development supported by NASA/ACCESS-17 Grant 80NSSC18M0118.
Michael Rilee mike@rilee.net