With this plugin, you can display persistent status update embeds for your Pretense missions.
As Pretense is an optional plugin, you need to activate it in main.yaml first like so:
- pretense
The configuration has to be done in config/plugins/pretense.yaml and is quite easy. You can define a channel per instance that you want your embeds to be displayed in. And you can define, how often they should be updated. Embeds will only be updated, if there is a pretense mission running and if there is new data to be displayed.
update_interval: 120 # interval in seconds when the embed should update (default = 120)
json_file_path: '{instance.home}\Missions\Saves\player_stats.json' # this is the default
channel: 1122334455667788 # channel, where to upload the stats into (default: Status channel)
Every parameter has a default value, which means, that you do not need to specify a configuration file at all.
You can upload a modified pretense*.json or player_stats.json by dragging and dropping them into your admin folder.
If you want to download the pretense files, you can add this section to your admin.yaml:
- label: Pretense
directory: '{server.instance.missions_dir}\Saves'
pattern: '*.json'
This would work for Foothold and similar missions also.
Credits to No15|KillerDog for implementing the base version of this plugin!