This plugin enables a voting system for users. People can choose from several voting options. DCSServerBot comes with some pre-defined ones, like mission change, preset change, kicking or temp-banning of annoying users.
You can define who can create a new voting, and you can define who can participate in one. The voting can be combined with the CreditSystem, meaning you can make votes cost credits if you like.
As Voting is an optional plugin, you need to activate it in main.yaml first like so:
- voting
The plugin can be configured via yaml in config/plugins/voting.yaml:
options: # These are the voting options, players can chose from. It is up to you, to enable them or not!
preset: # Selection of presets that need to be specified in your presets.yaml
- Summer # If no preset section is specified, all available presets will be used (not recommended).
- Winter # If you do not want presets to be part of the voting, set an empty list in here.
- Morning
- Nighttime
mission: # Selection of missions that can be used in a voting. They must be available in your serverSettings.lua
- a.miz # If no mission section is present, all missions from serverSettings.lua will be used.
- b.miz
restart: # Vote for a mission restart
run_extensions: true # if true, extensions like RealWeather, MizEdit, etc will be run (default: false).
shutdown: true # if true, the server will be shut down for the restart (default: false)
kick: {} # Vote for kicking a player
tempban: # Vote to tempban a player for duration days
duration: 3 # default: 3 (days)
creator: # If present, only specific roles are allowed to create a vote (default: every player).
- Donators
voter: # If present, only specific roles are allowed to vote (default: every player).
- Donators
mission_time: 30 # If specified, a voting can take place when the mission is running at least that many minutes.
time: 300 # Seconds the voting is open.
reminder: # When to send reminders to people to vote including the current top vote.
- 180
- 60
- 30
voting_threshold: 0.25 # 25% of all players have to vote for the vote to count
voting_rule: "majority" # one of "majority" (default), "supermajority" (>= 33%), "unanimous" or "absolute" (>= 50%)
credits: 10 # a vote costs 10 credit points (default: 0 = off)
enabled: false # Disable the Voting plugin on instance2
If you don't want to provide a list of presets or missions, just send an empty tag like so:
options: # These are the voting options, players can chose from. It is up to you, to enable them or not!
preset: {} # Select all available presets of your presets.yaml
mission: {} # Select all available presets of your serverSettings.lua
Command | Parameter | Description |
-vote | <what> [param] | Start a voting . |
-vote | cancel | Cancel a voting (only DCS Admin can do that). |
-vote | Vote for one of the options. | |
-vote | Display the current voting and the leading vote. |
A voting will automatically end after time
seconds and execute the result.
As usual, you can enhance DCSServerBot with your own ideas.
To create your own voting option, you have to implement a VotingItem in plugins/voting/options. The naming is relevant.
Let's implement a class to vote the sexiest pilot on your server. We will call it "sexy". Then you need to create a
file plugins/voting/options/ and implement a class Sexy inside of it like so:
from typing import Optional
from core import Server, Coalition
from import VotableItem
class Sexy(VotableItem):
def __init__(self, server: Server, config: dict, params: Optional[list[str]] = None):
super().__init__('sexy', server, config, params)
def print(self) -> str:
return f"You can now vote for the most sexiest pilot that is active on the server."
def get_choices(self) -> list[str]:
return [ for x in self.server.get_active_players()]
async def execute(self, winner: str):
message = f"{winner} is the most sexiest player on this server!"
await self.server.sendChatMessage(Coalition.ALL, message)
await self.server.sendPopupMessage(Coalition.ALL, message)
To enable it, just add it to the options in your voting.yaml:
sexy: {} # Our plugin does not have any configuration, so {} is given