Vanilla implementations for Account and Subscription microservices for demonstrating Consumer-Driven Contracts using Spring Cloud Contract
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud Contract
- Gradle
- Maven for creating local maven repository
This project use local maven repository to share stubs file
# Mac OS
brew install maven
# Ubuntu
apt-get install maven
# Mac OS
brew install gradle
# Ubuntu
apt-get install gradle
Use Gradle to test, build and publish artifacts for local development.
- test - Runs the unit tests
- build - Test and assemble uber jar
In addition to test and build, there are other tasks specific to the producer:
- generateContractTests - Generate API verification tests from the contracts
- generateWireMockClientStubs - Generate WireMock client stubs from the contracts
- install - Install artifacts including stubs.jar into the local Maven repository
- uploadArchives - Upload artifacts to remote repository
More details can be found on the blog.