An app where users can collect inspirational / meaningful quotes & phrases. The app will regularly send push notifications to the user's phone in order to bring these helpful words back into the user's daily life.
Throughout my journey of self-improvement I have collected many inspirational quotes and helpful thoughts in the notes app on my phone.
I am a very visually organized person. If I don't see something on a regular basis I forget about it. I have all of this found wisdom on my phone meant to encourage me throughout my days that I never see because it's hidden.
I am building this app to regular injection these encouraging words into my life. I hope others will also find it useful.
✅ TypeScript
✅ React
✅ Ionic
✅ Formik
✅ Yup
✅ date-fns
✅ uuid
✅ Firebase Auth & Firestore
This project was bootstrapped with Ionic React.
- Clone the repo
- In the project directory run
npm install
In the project directory run:
ionic serve
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8100 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
App Developer
- Spencer Schoeneman - website
UX/UI Designer
- Amanda Schoeneman