The FULL presentation code for my Entity Framework Core sample. (10-28-2016)
It's OFFICIAL -- I'm only presenting the BASICS, but I will "poll" the audience and see how fast we want to go and possibly incorporate some of the intermediate and/or advanced topics into the talk as well.
- Simple Entity Framework interaction (Code First using localdb)
- Have to have a web project since "dotnet ef database update" doesn't work with a class library.
- XUnit test driven demo (no GUI)
- Separate duties with a repository and DbContext
- More data entity attributes to customize the database.
- A simple stored procedure call.
- Calling a stored procedure with a User Defined Table Type (using NReco.Data)
- Code sharing between .Net Core and .Net Old (no Code First)
- Repository with ModelBuilder mapping (no attributes on POCOs)
- Abstracting the ModelBuilder and DbModelBuilder.