Any method of a class that inherits from CBaseEntity and that is passed to SetThink, SetTouch, SetUse or SetBlocked should have the EXPORT macro as part of its definition in order for save-restore to work correctly.
pfnAllocString - can modify the passed in string if there are characters preceeded by a \ (see ValveSoftware/halflife#2388)
pfnPEntityOfEntIndex - will return NULL for the last player
pfnGetModelPtr - studiohdr_t.textureindex will be 0 if textures are stored in an external *T.mdl
pfnPEntityOfEntIndexAllEntities - will not return NULL for the last player
64 light-adjusted RGB colour values for the 256 colours in palette.lmp
Light-adjusted RGB colours 0 to 31 are brightly lit (with 0 being the brightest), 32 is the original colour and 33 to 63 are darkly lit (with 63 being black).
256 RGB colour values.
globalname - used to synchronise entities between maps
targetname - used to target entities in a map
To generate an overview, make sure the game is running with the -dev
Start the map and type dev_overview 1
in the console.
Centre the view using movement keys and the mouse wheel.
Once the map is centered copy down the text that is getting printed to the console.
Type r_drawviewmodel 0
and hud_draw 0
in the console.
Take a screenshot.
Update mod and developer details here.
16x16 32-bit .tga (used in Steam's Small Mode and as the game icon when running).
32x32 32-bit .tga (used in Steam's Large Mode)
RLE or uncompressed .tga with y-origin set to image height, image description bit 5 set and pixel rows in reversed order. The engine expects these three things and if even one is not done the game icon will be vertically inverted when the game runs.
The last 32 colours in a texture's palette will be displayed as fullbright for certain textures.
default.cfg and gfx/shell/kb_def.lst both look like they should store default bindings to be populated if nothing is present in config.cfg but neither actually seems to do that.