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Application Signing

Signing your installer with a valid code signing certificate is one of the most important things that you need to do for production apps. Both IE SmartScreen as well as virus scanning software will give a significant amount of "points" to apps that are signed correctly, preventing your users from getting scary dialogs.

Acquire a code-signing certificate - it's recommended to get a Windows Error Reporting-compatible certificate, see this MSDN article for more information, then pass the -n parameter, which are the parameters you would pass to signtool.exe sign to sign the app.

Squirrel makes signing easy, as it signs all of your application's executables as well as the final generated Setup.exe.

An example invocation including both of these features would be something like:

PM> Squirrel --releasify MyApp.1.0.0.nupkg -n "/a /f CodeCert.pfx /p MySecretCertPassword /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256"

If you are using the Visual Studio Build Packaging process be careful how you escape your quotation marks in the XML of your .csproj file for the -n, --signWithParams argument. The wrapping quotation marks must be defined in XML safe ampersand escape strings or ". Within this command you will likely need quotation marks around your certificate password. Since this is already within a quoted string you will need to double quote the password: /p ""PASSWORD"".

  <Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
    <GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="myAssemblyInfo" />
    <Exec Command="nuget pack MyApp.nuspec -Version %(myAssemblyInfo.Version) -Properties Configuration=Release -OutputDirectory $(OutDir) -BasePath $(OutDir)" />
    <!-- Notice the use of &quot; rather than " after the \n flag. For the password to contain spaces we need to double-&quot; the string.  -->
    <Exec Command="squirrel --releasify $(OutDir)MyApp.$([System.Version]::Parse(%(myAssemblyInfo.Version)).ToString(3)).nupkg -n &quot;/a /f .\CertificateInProjectFolder.pfx /p &quot;&quot;CERTIFICATE PASSWORD&quot;&quot; /fd sha256 /tr /td sha256&quot;" />

See Also

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