Given the availability of a large volume of online review data (Amazon, IMDB, etc.), sentiment analysis becomes increasingly important. In this project, a sentiment classifier is built which evaluates the polarity of a piece of text being either positive or negative.
The "Large Movie Review Dataset"(*) shall be used for this project. The dataset is compiled from a collection of 50,000 reviews from IMDB on the condition there are no more than 30 reviews per movie. The numbers of positive and negative reviews are equal. Negative reviews have scores less or equal than 4 out of 10 while a positive review have score greater or equal than 7 out of 10. Neutral reviews are not included. The 50,000 reviews are divided evenly into the training and test set.
The Training Dataset used is stored in the zipped folder: aclImbdb.tar file. This can also be downloaded from:
The Test Dataset is stored in the folder named 'test'
The training dataset in aclImdb folder has two sub-directories pos/ for positive texts and neg/ for negative ones. Use only these two directories. The first task is to combine both of them to a single csv file, “imdb_tr.csv”. The csv file has three columns,"row_number" and “text” and “polarity”. The column “text” contains review texts from the aclImdb database and the column “polarity” consists of sentiment labels, 1 for positive and 0 for negative. The file imdb_tr.csv is an output of this preprocessing. In addition, common English stopwords should be removed. An English stopwords reference ('stopwords.en') is given in the code for reference.
Unigram , Bigram , TfIdf
In this project, we will train a Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifier. This is used instead of gradient descent as gradient descent is prohibitively expensive when the dataset is extremely large because every single data point needs to be processed. SGD algorithm performs just as good with a small random subset of the original data. This is the central idea of Stochastic SGD and particularly handy for the text data since text corpus are often humongous.
A good description of this algorithm can be found at:
imdb_data_preprocess : Explores the neg and pos folders from aclImdb/train and creates a imdb_tr.csv file in the required format
remove_stopwords : Takes a sentence and the stopwords as inputs and returns the sentence without any stopwords
unigram_process : Takes the data to be fit as the input and returns a vectorizer of the unigram as output
bigram_process : Takes the data to be fit as the input and returns a vectorizer of the bigram as output
tfidf_process : Takes the data to be fit as the input and returns a vectorizer of the tfidf as output
retrieve_data : Takes a CSV file as the input and returns the corresponding arrays of labels and data as output
stochastic_descent : Applies Stochastic on the training data and returns the predicted labels
accuracy : Finds the accuracy in percentage given the training and test labels
write_txt : Writes the given data to a text file
Language : Python 3
Libraries : Scikit, Pandas
Run python
Output files are:
Here, 1 is given for positive labels and 0 is for negative labels